Who Is Amazing Race Linton Atkinson? Bio, Wife, Age, Job, Height

Added: Amazing Race 34 kicked off on CBS on 21 September 2022 with 12 couples in Munich, Germany, making history: that over the past 33 seasons this is the first time the show has started outside the United States. Among the contestants are the father-daughter pair Linton and Sharik Atkinson.

Like everyone, Linton and his daughter had to keep their casting a secret from family and friends for much of the year. Now, because they are finally allowed to talk about it, let us also tell you what they had to say in this writing that is mostly about Linton Atkinson.

Linton Atkinson On Amazing Race 34

Linton Atkinson with his daughter, since she was 9 years old and the rest of the family, have watched every episode as a family. His daughter Sharik even at times suggested that they should go on it as a father-daughter duo. Every time, they would choose parent-child teams to root for. And so, like that, Sharik saw a casting ad for this show on Instagram earlier in 2022, and she and her father actually submitted a tape. They were put in touch with casting directors and were eventually cast for the show.

When asked how they prepared for the competition, Sharik said she prepared by walking around New York City, which her dad did not think was enough. So, they equipped themselves by running around Prospect Park. And all this certainly helped them when right through the first episode, they met with never anticipated twists. “I’m very excited for people to watch it. It’s something you can think about but you literally won’t be able to guess”, Linton’s daughter said about it.

Meanwhile, the whole experience of this amazing race has been surreal and life-changing for both of them. Most importantly, they are proud to have represented their home country of Jamaica.

Linton Atkinson Wife

Linton Atkinson’s wife is Darlene E Atkinson and she turned 49 in January 2022. As of this time she entertained around 1K friends on her ‘Darlene Atkinson’ Facebook.

As for her profession, she started teaching English full-time at New York City Public Schools in September 2021.

Before that, Darlene had a similar job at Orange County Public Schools, for a little more than a decade. (Linton was the school’s principal all through that time.)

What’s more, Darlene studied English Education at Andrews University and then acquired a MA in Educational/Instructional Technology at the American College of Education. Finally, she joined for her Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction at American College again, in August 2021. She was expected to graduate in December 2023.

Moving on, a day in February 2022 was Darlene and Linton’s 28th wedding anniversary. They got married or in their words shared their individual dreams at the age of 21 and 23. And today, they happily acknowledge that they have accomplished so many of them.

Most importantly, the couple is proud of their only daughter who is also their only child. They were beyond happy for her when she graduated in December 2019.

Darlene also shared that it’s among so many other things, their belief in the principles of bibles that have kept them grounded together. She also said that it takes a village, with God at the helm, to make a marriage work.

Is Linton Atkinson On Instagram?

Linton Atkinson could be found on Instagram @lintonatkinson with 116 posts and 229 followers on it as of 28 September 2022.

He also seemed active on Facebook, Twitter @DLintonatkinson, and TikTok @dr.aayyy (2418 followers).

Linton Atkinson Age

Born in 1971, Linton Atkinson reached the age of 51 in 2022.

Linton Atkinson Job

Linton Atkinson mentioned being an education leader, school administrator, author, entrepreneur, and speaker, on his social media.

Going into detail about his career, Linton shared that he grew up in a small country “very poor” and then was motivated in high school by one of his teachers that he can do anything. He said he is thankful even today that this teacher held him accountable to his high expectations.

And like that, he became the first in his family to go to college, to be a professional, to be in America teaching in New York City, and to rise through the ranks to be a school leader. He believes he is doing all for his daughter.

So, basically, his’s is the immigrant story of coming from nothing to doing something he always dreamed of doing and even more.

Further, his LinkedIn revealed that he started working as the assistant principal at BridgePrep Academy of Polk recently (August 2022).

Not to miss, his book “I am going places. Help me!: A mentoring workbook for young boys in grades 3-8 Paperback” was selling at $9.98 on Amazon since its launching in 2016. Also, back in the .day, he was the executive producer for an album by Abigail Hamilton.

He got his Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Administration from 2012 through 2015.

How Tall Is Linton Atkinson?

Linton Atkinson stands below 5’9” in height.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Linton Atkinson From?

Linton Atkinson hails from Montego Bay, Jamaica. He and his family migrated to Brooklyn, New York (residence as of 2022) from Jamaica when daughter Sharik was three.

  • What Do We Know About Linton Atkinson Family?

For siblings, Linton has at least two sisters and a brother named Courtney Mason (on IG @courtneymason7543). Linton frequently showed off these people on his social media.

Linton also mentioned his mother in one of his TikTok videos and he gets energized and refocused just by spending time with her. He also shared that his mum was still living in Jamaica.

Also, Linton has/or had a grandmother with roots in Africa.

  • When Is Linton Atkinson’s Birthday?

Linton Atkinson’s birthday is on July 17th. On this day, several years back, his wife took to her Facebook to gush how “amazing” and “precious” he is to her, to Sharik, their friends, and family. Before blessing him to have good health and long life, she also called him God-fearing, caring, encouraging, and very protective.
