Likewise, he is rather particular about the hand-made John Lobb burnished tan loafers he buys in Jermyn Street.
Putting on a brave face: Bill Nighy and Diana Quick at Scott's on Thursday
Putting on a brave face: Bill Nighy and Diana Quick at Scott's on Thursday
This distinctly dandyish approach is spoilt somewhat by Nighy's trademark assortment of nervous tics and twitches that give him the look of someone who is being perpetually harassed by a swarm of invisible wasps.
Nor is his would-be image of urbanity helped by an unconscious habit of waggling his thick-rimmed glasses, Eric-Morecambe style, when he is deep in conversation.
He is well-known among his friends for such eccentricities. One renowned theatrical figure, who hosted a recent luncheon of fellow luvvies in his honour, describes the Love, Actually actor turning down offers of posh lattes and espressos from the waitress at the smart West End restaurant. Instead, Nighy requested a pot of boiling water and began rummaging in his exquisitely cut trousers to produce a handful of his favourite no-frills Yorkshire Gold teabags (at a push, he will tolerate Liptons, as long as it's made with two bags).
Bill starred in Love Actually, but he dislikes Christmas and does not celebrate it
Bill starred in Love Actually, but he dislikes Christmas and does not celebrate it
Such fussiness does not make him easy to live with. And for all his on-screen deadpan hilarity, he is prone to be bit of a grump. He detests Christmas because, he says, he dislikes 'scheduled fun'. He is the first to admit he can be impossibly trying.
No wonder that when discussing his 27-year relationship with actress Diana Quick, which had become known as one of the most solid in showbusiness, he had in recent years developed the superstition of touching wood as if to stress just how lucky he was to have her. This week in a short, sad statement Nighy announced his luck had run out. The couple, he admitted, had separated. The 61-year-old Miss Quick, the mother of his daughter Mary, now 24, is said to have moved out of their North London home.
Theirs was one of the most unlikely but enduring romances in showbiz
Theirs was one of the most unlikely but enduring romances in showbiz
In fact, astonishingly, the Mail has learned the couple actually split up 18 months ago, but kept the break-up secret.
It is, perhaps, a gloomy testament to just how long-distance their relationship had already become that few people seem to have noticed.
Relatives told me this week that not only did the couple keep the separation hidden from the public, Diana's sister Julie was also in the dark until she read about it in a newspaper a few days ago.
All of which is rather odd, but explains 58-year-old Nighy's recent insistence on refusing to discuss the woman he called his wife, though they never married, and whom he once credited with saving him from a seemingly inexorable descent into drink and drugs.
Stranger still was a somewhat stage managed appearance by the couple on Thursday evening at Scott's restaurant in Mayfair, with them emerging arm-in-arm for photographers. It was the first time they had been photographed together in public for more than two years.
The message seemed to be that despite claims of tension between them, they remain friends. But given their weekend statement, we can hardly assume a reunion is on the cards. Particularly as Diana - who playfully christened Nighy her 'POOSSLQ' (that's person of opposite sex sharing living quarters) - is said to have now bought her own home after moving into their Suffolk cottage following the split. So, what went wrong in their relationship? 'It's pretty well-known among his friends that Bill has had a bit of a funny turn,' one of Nighy's colleagues told me this week.
'I suppose you could call it a delayed mid-life crisis. After years of muddling through, he found huge success pretty late in life and he hasn't dealt with it especially well. He's been working himself silly and it's not good for him.
'He neglected Diana for years and I think she finally got sick of it. There was some sort of ultimatum and she left.'
At the same time, the hugely talented Nighy has become something of a recluse, spending much of his time, when he is not working, locked away playing the same Bob Dylan and Rolling Stones albums over and over again.
Although the couple once attended many showbiz events before this week they had not been seen in public together for two years
Although the couple once attended many showbiz events before this week they had not been seen in public together for two years
Nights are generally spent at home slumped in front of the television watching football until the early hours, and he is rarely known to fall out of bed much before noon.
His worried friends, including the playwright David Hare and Hare's fashion designer wife Nicole Farhi, have tried in recent months to coax the blond-haired actor out of the £1.7 million house he used to share with Diana in Kentish Town to 'get him out of himself'.
Nighy rarely leaves the house without slipping into one of his many £2,000 bespoke Dunhill suits
Nighy rarely leaves the house without slipping into one of his many £2,000 bespoke Dunhill suits
Their efforts have not always been taken up. 'Bill is sparkling company when he is out,' said another colleague. 'But he prefers to be alone and most of the time he is resolutely solitary. His friends worry about him.'
It is Nighy's recent success that is blamed by many for the collapse of his relationship with Miss Quick, who found national fame herself with her role as the spoilt aristocrat Julia Flyte in the 1981 ITV drama Brideshead Revisited.
By his own admission, he has become obsessed with work to the exclusion of almost everything else. In the next 12 months Nighy will appear in seven films, including Valkyrie, about a plot to kill Hitler, in which he stars with Tom Cruise.
Next month he begins work on Wild Target with Helena Bonham Carter, where he will play a hit man who falls in love with the woman he is hired to kill.
According to their circle, it is this punishing schedule that eventually drove a wedge between him and the beautiful Diana.
Friends say that even before the split she had taken to spending Christmas travelling with their actress daughter rather than with Nighy, who refused to take a holiday.
Indeed, the split coincided, friends told me, with the Kent-born Diana disappearing to India to 'find herself' while she researched a book about her family's past in the Raj, which will come out next summer.
It was once the dark-haired Diana, who met Nighy when they were at the National Theatre together in 1981, who was the more successful of the two, but she has not found work easy to come by of late.
The thinking woman's crumpet
Nighy, on the other hand, has gone from strength to strength. Dubbed 'the thinking woman's crumpet', he has become a household name following his performance as an ageing rock star in the 2003 hit comedy Love, Actually.
Since then he has starred with Johnny Depp in two Pirates Of The Caribbean movies, as well as appearing with Cate Blanchett in the critically-acclaimed Notes On A Scandal. In doing so, he has become one of the most sought-after British actors in Hollywood.
He is lucky, really, to have any career left, because for much of it Nighy was fighting a losing battle with drink and drugs. He admits he once 'drank for England, Scotland and Wales'.
Nighy admits he once 'drank for England, Scotland and Wales'
Nighy admits he once 'drank for England, Scotland and Wales'
And last year he told an interviewer: 'The central fact of my life is that I have an unhealthy relationship with mood-altering chemicals, liquids and otherwise.
'I never had a button other people seem to possess which tells you when to stop. It's only when you've alienated everyone around you that you seek help.'
Finally, he called time on his addictions in May 1992. He gave up smoking five years ago and has recently also stopped drinking coffee.
Central to his recovery was the elegant, Oxford- educated Diana, who nursed him back to health. She was formerly married to the actor Kenneth Cranham and had a seven-year relationship with Albert Finney which endured despite his well-publicised infidelities.
She gave birth to Nighy's daughter Mary in 1984, but when their only child was two-and-a-half Mary suffered severe internal injuries when Diana's car crashed into the back of a lorry in fog. Mary later made a full recovery and is now a budding Hollywood actress.
Nighy's drinking coincided with his daughter's trauma and friends say, at its height, he put Diana 'through hell'. He later confessed she was an 'extraordinary woman' to tolerate his appalling behaviour.
Their backgrounds could scarcely have been more different. While she was daughter of a wealthy dentist and later became the first woman president of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, Nighy, who left school with two O-levels, was brought up over the garage managed by his mechanic father in Caterham, Surrey.
Even so, they became the darlings of the luvvie set, entertaining their actor friends in London and operating a virtual open house at weekends in Suffolk.
But all was not well
But, as Nighy's movie career took off, so the rumours began that all was not well in the relationship. Two years ago there was gossip in theatre circles that they were living practically separate lives.
Yet, maybe strangely, Nighy insisted on continuing to describe Miss Quick as 'my wife' in interviews and happily talked about choosing clothes for her on his regular shopping sprees abroad.
The couple raised eyebrows, however, when the actress celebrated her 60th birthday without Nighy in November 2006 as he chose to stay in New York where he was appearing on Broadway with Julianne Moore in the play The Vertical Hour. That same year he spent six months filming in Los Angeles and New Zealand.
Meanwhile, he admitted to hating taking time off work, saying: 'I don't relax. I think it's bad for you. I'm too anxious and too wired. I just want the phone to ring.'
Nighy and Diana have one daughter
Nighy and Diana have one daughter
No wonder, perhaps, that at the same time Miss Quick was hinting that the fire had gone out of their relationship.
'Physical passion was important to me when I was younger, but I find I don't really need it in my life any more. Once in a while the chance to have an affair comes my way, but it doesn't tempt me,' she told an interviewer.
At the same time, Nighy was confessing that his languid sex appeal meant he was regularly being propositioned by adoring women fans, one of whom jumped out of a London taxi dressed in a leather cat-suit and invited him home.
The actor, who suffers from Dupuytren's contracture, which means some of his fingers have become clawed in towards his palms, had already become a heart-throb playing a womanising lecturer in the steamy Nineties BBC drama The Men's Room.
But recently, say neighbours, he has cut a somewhat solitary figure walking his dogs near his London home.
A friend told me: 'I know it sounds harsh, but in many ways I think Bill is happier that all he has to think about now is his work. He has never been much good at normal stuff.
'He doesn't know what to do with himself when he's not working and he's liable to get down if he starts thinking about things too much.'
Now without the woman who once saved him, it is to be hoped the talented, but troubled Nighy does not fall back into his old, self-destructive ways.