Maggie Q Opens Up About Her Partner But Won't Reveal Their Identity

Maggie Q seems to have continuously mastered balance in her lifestyle. As the actor shared with People in March, Q's recent daily schedule is split in half between work and exercising outdoors during the day and quality time with her partner at night. "I make a conscious decision not to work at night," Q said. "It's important to me that my partner knows they're a priority. At night we'll catch up and solve any issues." Additionally, the "Pivoting" star gushed about her mystery figure, "I'm so lucky to be with someone who cares more about my health and wellbeing than even I do and reminds me to give more to myself, so in turn, I have more to give back."

Q appeared on the "Tamron Hall Show" in August 2021 and revealed her standards for potential mates have lightened up over the years. "You can't expect people to be where you're at when you meet them," she said about no longer only dating other vegans. "I used to be a person who, like, forced my beliefs on people and you had to live the way that I did. And I found a gentler approach actually works better." 
