Who Is Estee Wallerstein? Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein Wife & Family Mount His Passing

Estee Wallerstein, Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein’s widow, is mourning her husband’s death after a long struggle with illness.

Rabbi Wallerstein, her husband, was a well-known educator and speaker who, over the course of his three decades in chinuch, penetrated the hearts and minds of thousands of students from all walks of life with his trademark passion, clarity, and love.

Besides, he was most known for creating the Ohr Naava Institute, which ventured to keep an open mind at a time when no other institution attempted to do so.

Estee Wallerstein: Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein Wife

In all of his undertakings, Rabbi Wallerstein is said to be accompanied by his wife, Estee Wallerstein. Estee stood by his side throughout his life, supporting him through highs and lows.

Also, the couple is said to be from Brooklyn, New York. Despite the fact that no reliable information about their marriage connection has been provided, we can deduce that they have been hitched for more than two decades.

Likewise, the presumption is founded on Rabbi and Estee’s experiences as grandparents in their children’s life.

Apart from this, Ohr Yitzchak, Ateres Naava Seminary for Girls, and Ohr Naava Women’s Institute were formed by Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein in Brooklyn, New York.

His spirit had been yearning to discover more about chinuch and how he might make a bigger difference in the world for decades.

Age Of Popular Educator’s Spouse Estee Wallerstein

Regrettably, no information on Estee Wallerstein’s age has been made public via the internet. Estee, on the other hand, may have been in her late 50s, given her husband’s age.

Rabbi, on the other hand, died at the age of 64. He was said to have spent his years living in Flatbush with his family.

In contrast, Rabbi’s family must also be crushed by this startling news, as we all know the anguish of losing a loved one.

Does Estee Wallerstein Have Children?

Rabbi and Estee are said to have children together. According to sources, the couple has daughters together, although the number of children they have is unknown.

Furthermore, all the couple’s children have grown up and are themselves, parents. Moreover, Estee and Rabbi have already had the delight of being grandparents.

Additionally, Rabbi leaves behind a lovely family; may his wife and children find the fortitude to cope with their loss, and may his soul rest in peace.
