Sean Strickland and girlfriend once almost broke up over a hypothetical murder scenario

Sean Strickland is undeniably among the most outspoken fighters in the UFC and is notorious for his unhinged rants and unfiltered opinions. While his unreserved persona appeals to many, others find his manner of speaking crass and insensitive. While Strickland didn't care much about criticism in the past, 'Tarzan' is now in a serious relationship and looking to turn a new leaf slowly.

With the couple in Sydney for Strickland's title fight against Israel Adesanya at UFC 293 this weekend, the middleweight contender's girlfriend, KJ, made a rare appearance on a recent UFC Embedded vlog series episode.

In the episode, fans noticed Sean Strickland behaving surprisingly normally in KJ's company and were impressed by his level-headedness as a partner. However, as the episode progressed, Strickland revealed that he once almost broke up with his girlfriend.

In typical Strickland fashion, he narrated the story about how he nearly ended his relationship with KJ after she refused to help him cover up a hypothetical murder. He said:

"We almost broke up once. So something happened, and we were talking about what happens if I accidentally killed a man. I'm going to go to jail for life, and she said she'd f***ing put me in prison."

KJ continued:

"But seriously, he almost did break up with me. He was like, 'I don't know if I want to be with you anymore."

Watch the full episode below:

Sean Strickland gushes about how his girlfriend makes him a "better man"

Sean Strickland recently opened up about his girlfriend and how she positively affects him. 'While Strickland rarely has talked about his romantic interests or his dating life, it seems 'Tarzan' was holding out for someone special.

In a recent interview with MMA journalist Helen Yee, Strickland thanked his partner for making him a better person and said:

"I have a girlfriend who I love very much. I said it. She makes me a better man, you guys. I was just telling her this the other day. I tell my girl, I’m like, ‘babe, every time I think about breaking up with you and I think about all the p***y I can get, I think about who I was before I met you.'"

He continued:

"As much as I like being single and getting all that p***y, you guys, my girl, she makes me a truly better man and baby, I thank you for that."

With back-to-back wins over Abus Magomedov and Nassourdine Imavov, Sean Strickland was handed the title shot at UFC 293 after an injury forced Dricus Du Plessis out. This fight will also mark his first title opportunity.

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