What happened to Walter Isaacson's father?

Walter Seff Isaacson is an American author, journalist, and professor. He has been the President and CEO of the Aspen Institute, a nonpartisan policy studies organization based in Washington, D.C., the chair and CEO of CNN, and the editor of Time.

Irwin Isaacson’s cause of death: What happened to Walter Isaacson’s father?

Irwin Isaacson passed away at Touro Infirmary today, Wednesday, January 11, 2017, of a heart attack, at 91.

Irwin Isaacso Jr. was an engineer and consultant, who helped transform much of the New Orleans skyline and whose consulting engineering firm was considered one of the finest in the nation

Irwin Isaacson served as both the president and chairman of the board of Weil and Moses Inc. and chairman of IMC Consulting Engineers. He was an engineer on many prominent building projects in New Orleans, including the Louisiana Superdome, the International Trade Mart, and the Rivergate. IMC was called upon to help with the design and redesign of several Whitney Bank locations and was involved in the building of the East Jefferson Hospital campus in Metairie.

Irwin Isaacsonis survived by his wife, Julanne Isaacson; two sons, Walter Isaacson and Lee Isaacson; a sister, Marjorie Bissinger; a nephew, Allan Bissinger; and a granddaughter, three step-children and five step-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his first wife, Betsy Seff Isaacson, in 1985.

Source: Ghanafuo.com
