Latest Update Tackles Invisible Player Exploit In Escape From Tarkov

Survival shooter Escape from Tarkov has had technical problems since its soft launch in 2017, and they have only become more apparent with the explosion in popularity around the New Year. A new advantage in the round allows players to be completely invisible. Battlestate Games began installing a technical patch at Escape from Tarkov, aimed at completing bug fixes and audio issues with recall changes, endurance consumption, weight limits, body armor, and more on January 27, Unfortunately, the patch reintroduced a bug within the game that allowed players to be invisible to others.

Battlestate Games’ team says they are aware of the situation, and are working on banning fraudsters and reducing the issue in their code. Still, videos showing exploitation are popping up on Reddit and elsewhere.If you need more information about Latest Update Tackles Invisible Player Exploit In Escape From Tarkov then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Latest Update Tackles Invisible Player Exploit In Escape From Tarkov:

Following the January 27 update, Reddit users EFT_Subreddit a post on the Escape from Tarkov subredit titled “PSA: Invisible Player Bugs.” He said there was a problem with players randomly disappearing during the raid and asked others to submit bug reports. The post further states, “And don’t post it here if you figure out how to constantly reproduce it. Just present it as a bug report, and include it in the report.

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Subsequently, the crowd of players commented that they were also affected by the exploitation of the invisible player. One user commented, “3 consecutive streets [streets of Tarkov] were raided for the peace mission and 3 times in a row for harassing the players.”Twitter User Logical Solutions wrote, “#EscapeFromTarkov invisible PMC bug I have been sent information and tested to confirm it – people can force their PMC to be invisible on almost every raid. I have steps available to send [Battlestate Games]. Please address this, it’s game-breaking.

Escape From Tarkov new update:

What makes invisible exploitation so dangerous is that you don’t have to kill another player to rob. Hackers have found that walking inside a session is far more appealing, putting in pocket players who are otherwise completely unaware of their presence. One video shows a pair of players taking their kits off their bodies while they can only look scary.Along with invisible player exploitation, the company has also fixed the volume of some in-red sounds.

On February 1, Battlestate Games released a new technical update that needs to be downloaded via launcher. The developer said the game won’t stop, but the raid time on servers undergoing updates could be reduced to 10 minutes. “The main cause of the invisible players in the raid was determined. We will continue to work on the fix until this issue is completely resolved.

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