What did Kuma whispered to Rayleigh?

Since we have a connection, I want to help this group (the Straw Hat Pirates) escape. — Kuma's message to Rayleigh.

What did Kuma tell Rayleigh in Episode 405?

Kuma tells Rayleigh something that he is reluctant to believe, before teleporting a despairing Luffy away, completely defeating the Straw Hats.

Why did Kuma let Vegapunk turn him into a robot?

Vegapunk most likely was in a good relationship with Kuma and likely did not want to turn him into a full cyborg either, but he had to do so under the pressure from the world govt. Thats why Vegapunk likely programmed in Kuma's request to protect the Sunny.

Did Kuma help the Straw Hats?

When the time comes, Franky came and shocked after saw Kuma's body filled with scars and wounds. During his service, Kuma fought against pirates who were trying to steal Sunny Go. Unfortunately, this is the last time Kuma could save the Straw Hat Pirates because, after that, his conscious was gone forever.

Where did Kuma send Straw Hats?

Ivankov escaped the prison at Luffy's side and joined him during the Summit War, before returning to his native Kamabakka Kingdom on Momoiro Island. As fate would have it, Kuma (another Revolutionary) chose to send the Straw Hats member Sanji to the Kamabakka Kingdom also.

Rayleigh explains on how he found Luffy [ ENGLISH DUB ]

Why does Kuma carry a Bible?

Assuming the Bible to Kuma is a religous text or historical account, the one he carries cannot rationally be any complete version of the Christian Bible that exists in our world without adding extreme plot elements that do not exist in universe yet or having the Bible be fiction in-universe.

Is Vegapunk a good guy?

Personality. In his youth, Vegapunk was a generous person who cared very much for the inhabitants of his island, willing to help them with his inventions. He is considered the island's pride and joy, and the residents are still hoping for his return.

Did Kuma know Luffy is Dragon's son?

Kuma also had knowledge of Luffy being Dragon's son (something that even Ivankov was unaware of until he met the boy) and he subsequently spared the Straw Hats' lives on two occasions, as well as guarding their ship for 2 years from the likes of pirates and Marines due to their common connection.

Why did Kuma send Robin to Tequila Wolf?

Short Summary: Robin was sent by Bartholomew Kuma to Tequila Wolf, where she was trying to escape the place. Luckily for her, the place is soon liberated by the Revolutionaries.

How does Ivankov know Kuma?

Ivankov was an old friend of Bartholomew Kuma, as both were among the Revolutionaries inner circle. Ivankov seems to know Kuma very well, one clue of this is Ivankov's comment about how Kuma hated the World Government. Moreover, Ivankov is well aware of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi.

Is Jewelry Bonney related to Kuma?

That's why they worked together on this mission. The reason why the Revolutionary Army wanted to cooperate with Bonney because they already know that Bonney is the daughter or wife of Kuma.

When did Bartholomew Kuma become a Pacifista?

During the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the World Government, at Kuma's battle with Ivankov, Donquixote Doflamingo revealed that Kuma had been fully converted into a Pacifista, PX-0, losing his free will in the process. Later, near the final stretches of the war, where Portgas D.

Is Sentomaru a girl?

Sentomaru is a large man with light skin and a stocky build similar to that of a sumo wrestler. He has a large scar extending from his left eye to the left corner of his mouth.

What does the 16 bells mean in One Piece?

Show activity on this post. 16 bells, rung on a ships bell by the youngest crew member at midnight on the 31st December, ring out the old, ring in the new, as 8 bells signify the end of a watch and the beginning of another one, so it is with the years end/ beginning.

Is sabaody arc worth watching?

The Sabaody Archipelago arc stands among One Piece's very best run of episodes, with these being the very best according to IMDb. One Piece is one of the best anime around and it is filled to the brim with some of the greatest arcs. One of the best arcs of One Piece has got to be Sabaody Archipelago.

Why did the Straw Hats split up in Dressrosa?

The reason behind the crew's split was simple. With Sanji missing, the team wants their chef back, and half of them gather to form the Sanji Retrieval Team. Luffy heads up the group along with Nami, Tony Tony Chopper, Brook, Pedro, and Carrot. As for the rest, they choose to head to Wano Country with Trafalgar D.

Does Brook have Haki?

Another member of the Straw Hat Pirates, Brook is an incredibly powerful swordsman who possesses the abilities of the underworld. Being a pirate for an extremely long time, it is questionable how he isn't capable of using Haki already.

Where did Perona go after Kuma?

After being sent to Kuraigana Island by Kuma's abilities, Perona decided to take residence in the castle where the at the time Warlord Mihawk lived.

Why did the Straw Hat separate for 2 years?

So, as much as all of them wanted to reunite, they all came to the realization that they needed to get stronger on their own. With this in mind, Luffy discreetly messaged hi crew, signaling them to spend the next two years apart in order to train and grow stronger for their reunion on Soabody.

Why does Bartolomeo want the flare flare fruit?

He uses his Cursed Fruit powers both to protect himself and attack his opponents. The barriers are seemingly very durable, as attacks from powerful individuals such as Hack and Bellamy had no effect and in turn even ended up damaging themselves.

Does Ivankov know Luffy is Dragon's son?

Luffy tells Iva-chan that Dragon is his father. After Ivankov give his speech, he finally realizes that Luffy just said that he is the son of the Revolutionary. He is thrown back by surprise.

Why did Kuma protect the sunny?

After having gone his final preparations as a Pacifista, Kuma's final request was to have himself programmed to protect the Straw Hat's ship, the Thousand Sunny. In doing so, he spent two years guarding the thin on Sabaody Archipelago, possibly sustaining a lot of damage from the feat.

What is Vegapunk devil fruit?

The creation of artificial Devil Fruits is known to have been attempted twice. One such fruit was made by the great scientist Vegapunk but was deemed a failure; it was later consumed by Kozuki Momonosuke and gave him the ability to transform into a dragon.

Who is Joyboy?

First Joy Boy

Around 900 years ago, the residents of Fish-Man Island made a promise to a great man known as Joy Boy. He attempted to raise Noah with Poseidon's aid, but he broke his promise to Fish-Man Island due to an unknown reason. At some point, this person became a comrade of Zunesha.

WHO IS DR Vegapunk?

Dr. Vegapunk is the leading scientist in the employment of the Marines. His work includes discovering the secrets and uses of seastone, the secrets of how Devil Fruit powers work, and various other scientific achievements that are said to be at least 500 years ahead of current technology.
