Does Elizabeth End Up With Lucas Or Nathan? Celebrity

Season 8 of When Calls the Heart arrived on the Hallmark Channel on February 21st, 2021 and new episodes have aired on Sundays ever since. After teasing the resolution to Elizabeth’s love triangle for some time, the new season promised to see the character finally make up her mind and choose between Lucas and Nathan.

Throughout season 8, Elizabeth had romantic moments with both Lucas and Nathan and fans of the series were left split on who she should pick. In the season 8 finale, however, with the help of Rosemary, Elizabeth finally worked out what her heart wanted.

If Elizabeth leads with her heart — a la When Calls The Heart — Nathan may be the person she chooses. Though life as a mountie’s wife would come with its challenges once more.

Elizabeth is not in love with him, as we’ve already established. Unfortunately, Lucas is still a little sour grapes and mentions to Nathan he’s thinking of just giving up and selling the saloon.

When does Elizabeth end up with Lucas?

Who does Elizabeth end up with on ‘When Calls the Heart’? We finally know which suitor Elizabeth picks! Back in the April 5, 2020 episode, Elizabeth took a big step in her relationship with Lucas, which led many fans to believe that he would eventually win her heart.

Though the events of the episode certainly seemed to indicate that Lucas was the frontrunner for Elizabeth’s affections, a description for the April 19, 2020 episode teased trouble ahead.

But that didn’t stop Lucas from revealing his intentions at dinner, where he told Elizabeth that he had moved to Hope Valley in search of stability and revealed he would also like to start a family.

It’s been a few years since Elizabeth Thatcher Thornton lost her husband, Jack Thornton, in a landslide at a Mountie training camp on When Calls the Heart, and the schoolteacher fell smack-dab in the middle of a love triangle on Season 7.

The attractive police officer was written off the show at the request of the actor who played him. “Circumstances arose for me where I needed to leave When Calls the Heart for reasons that are very personal to me,” Daniel Lissing, who had been with the series since Season 1, explained during a Facebook Live in 2018.

When does Elizabeth choose Lucas?

Elizabeth chose Lucas in When Calls the Heart’s season 8 finale. Following the death of her husband, Jack, Elizabeth caught the eye of two well-standing Hope Valley suitors, Nathan, a mountie like Jack, and Lucas, a burgeoning businessman. Throughout season 8, Elizabeth had romantic moments with both Lucas and Nathan and fans …

Who Elizabeth chose in the books. In Janette Oke’s Canadian West book series, which Hallmark’s series is based on, Elizabeth doesn’t choose Lucas or Nathan. Instead, Elizabeth falls for a new arrival, Wynn Delaney, a mounted police officer from the north.


When Calls the Heart season 8 concluded the Hallmark Channel on Sunday, May 9th, 2021.

When Calls the Heart has been a joyous treat since it returned to our screens for season 8 on February 21st. The new season has teased the resolution of Elizabeth’s puzzling love triangle from the beginning and the 12th and final episode finally gave fans an answer.

What did Elizabeth say to Nathan in the finale?

During the finale, Elizabeth first expressed that she was thankful that such a “courageous, selfless” man was watching over her since Jack’s death.

Instead, Nathan and Lucas shared a drink and talked about the Pinkertons in Hope Valley before Nathan got to the point. Elizabeth is not in love with him, as we’ve already established.

Elizabeth is not in love with him , as we’ve already established. Unfortunately, Lucas is still a little sour grapes and mentions to Nathan he’s thinking of just giving up and selling the saloon. Nathan, who knows a good thing when he sees it, advises Lucas to do no such thing.

The Hallmark show lost main character Jack Thornton back in 2018 and has spent the last few seasons having Elizabeth raise Jack’s son, keeping Jack’s memory alive while, of course, choosing between two handsome new love interests: Nathan and Lucas.

Elsewhere in the episode, a newspaper was born, Carson said goodbye, Jesse was found and Bill and Henry Gowan inexplicably came to a sort of truce and shook hands before Henry left Hope Valley himself.

More recently, Lucas and Elizabeth had begun a tentative courtship, but that was cut a little short once Elizabeth seemingly still showed interest in what Nathan had to offer. Both men have merits, or as Rosemary (Pascale Hutton) noted: Jack was a season and it was glorious.

Does Allie give up on Nathan?

Allie is her family and giving up on Nathan would not mean she’d give up on that connection, but she would always be more like a mentor than a flesh and blood parent. If Elizabeth leads with her heart — a la When Calls The Heart — Nathan may be the person she chooses.

After Elizabeth chose to date Lucas, she was open and honest with Nathan about her choice and things seemed to be going swimmingly. In fact, I’d argue Elizabeth and Lucas have been pretty copacetic on the dating front in recent weeks, but things have suddenly become stormy between Nathan and Elizabeth.
