
This is an attempt to list all collectibles and secrets obtainable in Robocop, as well as optimizing upgrade points for skill checks by listing which stats are necessary to achieve desired dialogue results. Since all collectibles except radios contribute XP points, this is the best way to level up stats.
Guide to All Collectibles
TV Station
Scannable objects:
Overdosed civilian in basementShort circuited service box in basementAntidepressants in sideroom before first breach on high-rise levelPolice Station #1
ROBOCOP PROGRAM, on crate to the left of Robocop’s cellTO SGT. REED, on table to the right of Robocop’s cellPOLICE GOING PRIVATE, in phone booth in lobbyINCIDENT REPORT, on chair in lobbyDowntown #1
Protect and Serve Objectives:
Radio hooligans in front of grocery (unmarked)Parking meter in front of cinemaGraffiti artist across from laundromat (unmarked)Drunk hobo on couch under the north overpassFire hydrant in front of Briggs’ apartmentHarassment in front of Jolly BurgerOil spill in front of Jolly BurgerLitterbug on waterfront near Casey Carmel murderAll Scannable Objects, Notes, and Secrets:
Broken payphones near squad car, in front of grocery, near tattoo parlor, working payphones in Mega Store parking lot toward waterfront and next to cinemaNOTICE!, in laundromatRadio in laundromatGraffiti artist’s footprints near autoshop7 clues in autoshop if speech check not used, battery, tax return, and note HE DID IT AGAIN! are relevantNO HARD FEELINGS, in Scott’s garageGang Stash in small garage nearbyGang Stash at far end under north overpassChalk outline in basketball courtINDEPENDENT NEWS #14, in garbage can behind squad carOil spill behind gateShoe printLocked garage doorDumpstersWooden doorUnreachable ladderChalk near vanKuzak Stinks graffiti across from courthouse (SCAN THIS BEFORE TALKING TO GRAFFITI ARTIST)Gang stash at southern end of waterfrontCasey Carmel’s bodySteel chimney pipeVictim’s other shoeSpilled garbageBlood stain near ladderTire tracks at crime sceneSunblock 5000 on set tableStoryboardTire tracks at setGang Stash in garage behind courthouseSunblock stains on gas station doorTire tracks in gas stationMattress in gas stationCamera bulb in wallWHY DO YOU THREATEN ME?, in hidden room in gas stationArcade:
Slouching kid at arcade consolePuddle of vomit next to claw machineKid with bloodshot eyes at arcade consoleLubricant syringe on floor near consoleBUSINESS LETTER, in supply closetJunkie kid in bathroomSAY NUKE OR NOT AT ALL!, in basementINSTALLATION NOTICE, in manager’s roomSafe Code on calendarButton on right side of deskOCP disk in gated room button unlocksChop Shop:
FootprintsSecret button near barrelsOCP disk in office to the leftSafe code in rear office on cabinet posterOCP crate under stairsHidden door upstairs with gang stashGhost House:
Safe Code on cabinet next to exposed toiletOCP crate at PicklesBriggs Apartment:
Floormat clue in basementGang Stash in basementFamily photo in apartment near TVRECOMMENDATION LETTER, in kitchenMaurice’s Apartment:
Broken doorFamily photo in bathroomDrugs on tableBroken phone near TVLaundry schedule on bedFRIENDLY WARNING, in bedroomSpilled drugs on floorSkill Checks:
Psychology 2 for Torch Heads in Arcade basementPsych 2, Deduction 2, or Engineering 2 for BenPsych 2 for MauricePsych 2 for Jerry JenkinsSlaughterhouse
Scans, Notes, and Secrets:
NEW KING noteSafe code on poster in room beneath safe roomPoster in “Boomer” warehouse hides Gang StashNOTICE OF CONCERN in “Boomer” warehouseOCP crate en route to Soot’s after concert roomSafe Code for Soot’s room in SOOT’S BIRTHDAY GIFT notePolice Station #2
Radio right outside of Robocop’s’ cellBLUE BROTHERS, in Ramirez’ lockerHEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION in front of computer en route to briefing room;Scans:
Cop by window, cop at computer, sleeping cop, Officer KowalskyThree functional servers, one compromised server bankSteel Mill
OCP Crates:
Down ramp, behind machinery to the left as soon as map startsDown alley past SHARE YOUR DOUBTS noteIn side room in brick building with blood trailIn corner alley behind first loudspeakerIn Worker’s Space bathroomUp ladder to first grenadier’s balconyIn front of first radioman’s buildingOn third floor of right radioman’s buildingDown corridor to the right of Murphy’s chalklineUpstairs to the right of Murphy’s chalklineIn building to the right before quarry gate entranceIn building left of quarry gate, after openingIn room left of breach in North Stronghold (drugs)In shack to left path en route to West StrongholdIn alley behind West StrongholdWest Stronghold basement, behind concrete barriers to the leftIn FreezerUp ladder on left side of train after it movesIn Tunnels beneath train, next to sewerAt dead end in northeast corner of TunnelsAfter ED-209 challenge, before entering boss arenaIn left room after dropdown in boss arena???I know there are more than 22 because I failed to get the reward at the post-mission evaluation.
Notes, Scans, and Secrets:
SHARE YOUR DOUBTS, to the right after the first doorGang Stash in room above Briggs’ carBriggs’ squad carOCP disk in shack under second grenadierKUZAK VS DELTA CITY, on second floor of right radioman buildingMurphy’s chalkline in Warehouse OfficePCB near TV in Warehouse OfficeRadio on second floor of warehouse right behind trainScuff marks indicating gang stashGang stash on second floor of train warehouseTrain Operator’s Handbook in T-junction in trenchPCB by drug stash in North StrongholdSafe Code on calendar by bathroom of West StrongholdSafe on second floor of West StrongholdNOT ALL THAT GLITTERS, in West Stronghold basementBriggs’ police gear in Freezer locker roomPCB in OCP crate up ladder from trainNotice: There are No collectibles in ED-209 challenge, but you can start the train in the second area to blow up all the enemies at once.
Skill Checks: Engineering 3? (need to double-check) to start train without the guidebook clue.
Hospital #1
Radio past reception, left of elevatorsSECRET ADMIRER, on Info desk as soon as you get out of elevatorWHY DO THEY NEED BRAINS?, in morguePolice Station #3
FAX FROM BABY MAID, on microwave in Robocop’s cellRadio in lobbyREJECTION LETTER, at rear right corner desk of lobbyAUTOPSY REPORT, in dispatchBank
Scans, Notes, and Secrets:
Alex Murphy’s Property manila folder on second floor before letting in the ED-209sOCP disk in same room as Alex Murphy’s PropertyOCP crate before manager’s office, after conclusion of SWAT challengeLETTER TO BE FRAMED in room with Samantha OrtizBombSkill Checks:
Two Engineering 4 checks for bomb defusal (no apparent effect)Two Armor 4 checks for bomb (auto-defuses on second check)Notice: Samantha Ortiz is the “Arrest the Intruder” target, you cannot complete that objective unless she is detained, so if you really want that 400xp you have to put her hot latina ass behind bars.
Police Station #4
Fuse box in locker roomFuse box in garageNotes:
Radio right outside Robocop’s cellDON’T PANIC, at back left of lobbyDowntown #2
Protect and Serve:
Smoker at gas stationBoombox kid in basketball court (unmarked)No Parking sign across from basketball courtFire hydrant next to pawn shopNo Swimming sign at fountainPushy guy in alley behind cinema (unmarked)Defaced campaign posters behind cinemaGuy throwing trash off the roof of the arcadeScans, Notes, and Secrets:
Radio by Briggs’ ApartmentATM left of courthouse (requires Engineering 3)Radio by Ortiz’ storageWeird painting in back of storage with lawnmowerTwo OCP document cartons, and Samantha’s boxOpen Samantha’s box for LETTER TO SAMANTHA’S MOTHERChess table at southern end of waterfront parkThree storage garages, last one is PicklesGang Stash in fenced off area behind Maurice’s apartment, right of supermarketBen’s car, only if you choose to investigate BenContainer, only if you choose to investigate Paranoid VagrantONCE A MECHANIC, in Ben’s officeOCP access card in right courtroomMotorbikes outside Ben’s shop, by gas station, lot outside grocery, outside Briggs’ Apartment, Spike’s is in back alley courtyardCat Lady’s Apartment:
MAINTENANCE LOG BOOK, as soon as you get inCabinet first door right of staircaseBin second door leftCouch second door rightBlue barrel end of corridorCrate left door before planksGrill first door right after planksCrate mid corridorStrawberry jamFridge near pianoPianoWardrobe with cat in itDead manLUCKY NUMBERS, inside lady’s bedroomSamantha Ortiz’ Apartment:
DEAR CAT HELPER!, bottom of staircaseTripwire upon enteringPCB in kitchenSTICKY NOTE, on fridgePizza box on tableBox of documents on couchElectronic components beneath paintingsScuff marks by bookcaseRENTAL INVOICE, in hidden roomOCP disk on chair in hidden roomVideo Store:
Talk to clerk before you start scanningtwo scans on thriller, two scans on drama with resultsone scifi and one action with results, one each withoutComputerTattoo Parlor:
Red tool chestBiker goggles and keys on counterCooler on floorLogbook behind store ownerPhoto on the wallSpike’s Apartment:
OCP disk in basement, first door on the rightTurn off the radio on table behind Spike so you can hear yourself thinkCameraSafe Code on tv set in bedroomSafe behind cabinet left of computerAntenna on windowsillSkill Checks: Engineering 3 for ATM
Empty OCP box behind broken escalators after “DAD?” sequencePolice Station #5
MAGNAVOLT IS HIRING!, in main lobby on cardboard boxesRadio to the right of Robocop’s cellHospital #2
BRAND NEW HEALTHCARE!, in main lobby seatingBecker’s Meeting
OCP crate behind left plywood structureOCP crate behind you in corridor you came inOCP crate on scaffolding above entry, in containerOCP crate in right rear, next to concrete staircasePolice Station #6
WHAT IS DELTA CITY?, in lobby above seatradio outside briefing roomPrison
Notes, Scans, and Secrets:
Ruined bakery goods in warden’s officePCB in guardroom upstairs from Cunning PrisonerSHIFT START NOTES in panopticon from second-floorPRISONER’S COMPLAINT by electric chairBREAKING THE TRUCE behind axed inmateOCP disk in guard room after C-block gauntletSkill Checks:
Deduction 5 for Cunning Prisoner next to gym (this appears to be bugged at maxed Deduction)Psychology 5 for Maurice in laundryPsychology 6 for Jerry Jenkins on gym bleachersHospital #3
Police Station #7
INTERVIEW INVITATION, on desk in lobbyRadio outside server roomScans:
Dispatch consoleDispatch input on rightDispatch phone in centerDispatch control panel centerDispatch control panel leftDispatch monitorsDispatch receiver top left (target)Answering machine (target)Notice: This is the last time you get the bonus XP from evaluations, as the next time you visit the police station the chip will be taken out
Downtown #3
Protect and Serve:
Fire hydrant as soon as you get out of carOil Spill across street from arcadePublic drunkenness on waterfront by parkDaniel Briggs in front of his apartment (unmarked)Scans, Notes, and Secrets:
OCP disk in fish market officeRadio under north overpass by sewer exitSimon Page’s car’s headlightsMagnaVolt logo on carSimon Page’s bodyWitness across streetContainer covering manhole to sewersStar Motel:
Cat in room near entrance after fire startsOCP crate in basement before sprinkler valvePage’s Office:
Radio at Reception deskCardboard box by Agatha’s phoneMILLS’ SPEECH POINTERS, on tableBookcasePhoto of boat by deskDeskSecret button on desk (2nd visit)Computer for code if no Eng skillPCB in panic roomOCP crate in panic roomGloria’s Apartment:
OCP crate in basement, first doorSleep meds in kitchenKUZAK’S SPEECH DRAFT #1, on tableEarring on bathroom sinkWine by couchSchedule on deskSailing photo on nightstandRope in closetSewers:
Murdered workers in side corridorMurdered worker on main routeFloodgate switch after trying itMurdered hobos by mercenariesOCP signal booster after breachOCP disk through door on right after signal roomOCP crate and hobo past first turretSewage map in armoryComputer in armory with CONNECTION DETAILS noteOCP crate in hallway left of armory, toward exitSkill Checks:
Engineering 6 to hack Page’s office keycard lock, and his panic roomEngineering 6 or Psychology 6 for Agatha CraneEngineering 6 to hack the turrets in the sewersOCP #1
Scans, Notes, and Secrets:
Security door lockNEW DOOR CODE POLICY, in server roomAny poster for door codeSUICIDE NOTE, on right side of lobby by elevatorthree notes right next to each other in office right of elevator MISSING OFFICE EQUIPMENT, TOILET ISSUE #1, TOILET ISSUE #2OPTIMAL TEMPERATURE, in top floor office left of elevatorRadio through double doors downstairs right of elevatorPCB at Old Man’s seat at deskSkill Checks:
Deduction 7 or Engineering 7 for security guardPsychology 6 for Samantha OrtizArms Expo
OCP crate before leaving Hall BRocket launcher far left wall of ED-209 room, grenade launcher far rightOCP disk second floor of EMP roomSkill Checks:
Engineering 6 to hack the turret to the left of presentationEngineering 6 to hack doorlockNotice: Kuzak will win reelection unless you tell the reporter you support Mills here
Police Station #8
Downtown #4
Scans, Notes, and Secrets:
Cobra assault cannon up ladder by ED-209Grenade launcher behind truck near ED-209Rocket launchers behind courthouse with lots of mercsChop Shop:
Street Vultures’ plansOCP crate on upper office balconySecret Lab:
Three sets of X-rays on left wallBody bag by second X-rayBrain in a vat in first room on rightDocuments on counter by third X-rayEight computers, the one by the brain has the codeMERCS’ FREQUENCIES, in server room on the left of the holding cellMechanical mount on ceiling“Protect and Serve”:
ArcadeBriggs apartmentBarred door behind groceryLaundromat (breach from either direction)Ben’s auto shop (there’s a breach from the alley entrance)Video storeChop shopGang fight by overpass hobo encampmentTattoo parlorSewersSecret lab in apartment basementBriggs Apartment:
Victim behind closed door at first landingSecond floor with tenant screaming for cat (cat is at the top of bedroom wardrobe)Gail Briggs (be careful to hug left inside of staircase)Skill Checks: Engineering 6 to hack the two turrets by ED-209, and the two behind courthouse
Notice: Kuzak will be reelected unless you explicitly sided with Mills at the Arms Expo
Delta City
OCP crate by first machine gun nestOCP crate behind truck past turret hackSkill Checks:
Engineering 6 to hack turrets after cobra gauntlet2nd turret hack up wooden ramp3rd turret hack up concrete staircase4th turret hack up final staircase before elevatorPolice Station #9
REPLY TO MAGNAVOLT, on desk in lobbyOCP #2
- No collectibles, but recommend visiting the boardroom right of the elevator before the CEO office
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Written by Desperado