Cora Jade deletes tweet after bringing up abuse allegations made against Darby Allin

WWE NXT Superstar Cora Jade and AEW star Darby Allin are trending on Twitter after the former tweeted about Allin's abuse allegations.

Fans of Jade are aware that her WWE gimmick includes a skateboard. Meanwhile, Allin has also incorporated his real-life skateboarding skills into his gimmick.

A fan recently posted a tweet suggesting a "skateboarding match" between the two. Allin not only noticed the same and but also responded to it with a shot at Jade.

“Skating is a huge part of my life not a fake character for tv lol,” wrote Darby Allin.

Shortly after, Cora Jade responded to Allin's tweet with a fierce reply:

“Being a good person with no abuse allegations against me is a huge part of my life and not just a character I play on tv,” wrote Jade.

Both wrestlers later deleted their respective tweets. You can check out the screengrab of the tweets below:

Darby Allin and Cora Jade exchange shots on Twitter

Cora Jade was referring to past accusations made against Darby Allin

In 2020, independent wrestler Hawlee Cromwell accused an unnamed man of being mentally and emotionally abusive towards her. Earlier this year, the person's identity was revealed when she posted screenshots of what looked like messages from WWE NXT's Gigi Dolin, aka Priscilla Kelly, Allin's wife.

As shown in the screenshots, Kelly suggested Cromwell should delete her tweets aimed at the former AEW TNT Champion.

Twitter has been abuzz over the past few hours, with both Darby Allin and Cora Jade being bashed by fans over their tweets. The former is regarded as one of the four pillars of AEW, along with Jungle Boy, MJF, and Sammy Guevara. He was the first person CM Punk wished to wrestle with when he debuted on AEW earlier this year.

Meanwhile, Jade is one of the rising stars of NXT. Interestingly, she is also a favorite of CM Punk. She was a big fan of the latter back in the day. There are a couple of wholesome clips floating around on the web, featuring the duo.

Both parties have been silent since deleting their tweets. What are your thoughts on the situation? Let us know in the comments below.

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