Asante Samuel Children: Meet Asante Samuel, Jr., Amaya Samuel, Aleesa Samuel, A.J Samuel, Ashante Sa

Asante Samuel Jr., Amaya Samuel, Aleesa Samuel, A.J Samuel, and Ashante Samuel are the children of former football player, Asante Samuel.

Asante Samuel Jr. profession

What does Asante Samuel Jr. do? What is Asante Samuel Jr.’s profession? Asante Samuel Jr., just like his father, is a professional football player who plays for the Los Angeles Chargers of the National Football League.

Asante Samuel Jr.age

How old is Asante Samuel Jr.? What is Asante Samuel Jr.’s age? Asante Samuel Jr. is 22 years old.

Asante Samuel Jr. mother

Who is Asante Samuel Jr.’s mother? Asante Samuel Jr. was born to a woman named Candace Doe. It was reported that Asante Samuel Jr.’s mother suffered a brain tumor which made her health very complicated.

Amaya Samuel age

How old is Amaya Samuel? Amaya Samuel’s age is not known yet.

Amaya Samuel Instagram

Is Amaya Samuel on Instagram? What is Amaya Samuel’s Instagram handle? Amaya Samuel does not have a personal Instagram account yet. There are several accounts under the name Amaya Samuel but none of them belong to her. There is a particular handle @amaya.samuel, but it does not belong to her.

There is very little to no information about Asante Samuel’s other children.
