Samuel Keith Sharp Death: samuel keith sharp obituary

Remembering Samuel Keith Sharp: A Life Taken Too Soon

The death of 17-year-old Samuel Keith Sharp in 2020 came as a tremendous shock to his family and friends. Known as Sam to those who loved him, the young man was remembered as having the purest, sweetest soul. His passing left a void in the lives of all who knew him.

Sam's brother, Jake Sharp, shared the tragic news on TikTok along with a touching video that showed the brothers' final embrace. "Doing life without you just isn't the same," Jake wrote emotionally. "Gonna miss you around the holidays. Miss you forever Sam but grateful for the life you lived."

For the Sharp family, losing Sam so suddenly and at such a young age has been incredibly difficult. In a previous post, Sam's other brother Joe spoke about the profound sense of loss. "Grateful for the 16 years we had together. All the family late night talks, all the messing around, all the fun times, and the love we had for each other," Joe wrote poignantly.

The Importance of Suicide Prevention

Sam's passing is a tragic reminder that suicide is one of the leading causes of death for youth and young adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide was the second leading cause of death in 2020 for people aged 10-24.

Experts say that suicide most often occurs when stressors exceed current coping abilities of someone suffering from a mental health condition. While the causes of suicide are complex and determined by multiple factors, the goal of suicide prevention is simple - reduce factors that increase risk and increase factors that promote resilience.

Resources Are Available for Those in Crisis

If you or a loved one is having thoughts of suicide, help is available 24/7 through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Call or text 988 to be connected to a crisis counselor. Services are confidential, free and available to everyone.

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a national network of over 200 crisis centers across the United States that connects individuals in crisis to trained counselors who can listen compassionately and provide support.

What To Do If You're Concerned About a Friend

If you see suicidal or worrisome content posted by a friend on social media, take action immediately. Many social media platforms have tools to report concerning posts and get help for the person posting. You can also reach out directly to offer support and connect them with resources.

The most important thing is making sure the individual has access to the help they need. That should take priority over any other considerations. Tell the person you care, you are concerned and provide information on the 988 Lifeline. No one should struggle alone.

Preventing Suicide Takes a Community

Sam Sharp's untimely passing is a call to action for parents, teachers, friends and neighbors to be alert to signs of crisis in the young people in their lives. Small acts of compassion and care can provide support to those who are struggling.

If we want to prevent more tragic losses of promising young lives, we must resolve to truly see and listen to one another, treat mental health struggles with compassion and understanding, and work together to create communities where all people feel valued and supported.

Sam Sharp deserved a long, full life surrounded by loving family and friends. Though his light was extinguished far too soon, his memory can inspire us to build a society that nurtures and protects all our children. They are the most precious resource we have.
