Bassist Pete Wentz Parents: Who Are Pete Wentz II And Dale Wentz?

Meet Pete Wentz II And Dale Wentz are the parents of the Rock band ‘Fall Out Boy’ Bassist Pete Wentz. Are they still alive? Look through their age in the following article. 

So far, Pete fans must be familiar with the pictures of his parents, who quite frequently seem to make appearances via their son’s social media.

The bi-racial kid of Pete Wentz II and Dale Wentz is best known for being the bassist and lyricist of the rock band ‘Fall Out boy’ since 2001.

Though he left the company in 2009, stating, “I think the world needs a little less Pete Wentz,” he rejoined in 2013.

With all the members on track, on April 12 of the same year, the band gave out their new album ‘Save Rock and Roll’ which peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard 200, selling 154,000 copies in its first week, and becoming the band’s 4th consecutive top 10 albums.

Besides his hard work and passion, his parents supporting him in every step is a sure thing. So, let’s focus on them.

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How Old Are Pete Wentz II And Dale Wentz?

Based on their appearance, Pete and Dale must be in their 70s, though none of them have claimed their accurate age.

Pete as a Lawyer worked for about 20years as a general counsel of a company. After that, he went to Northwestern’s Law School and worked in the administration, plus as a teacher.

Similarly, Dale is a high school admissions counselor.

Born on June 5, 1979, in Wilmette, Illinois, Pete gets his English-German descent from his father and Afro-Jamaican, from his mother.

Further, the couple gave birth and raised two more children, Hillary and Andrew.

Bassist Pete Wentz Parents-Are They Still Alive?

Rockstar Pete Wentz is still under the shadow of his parents. Meaningly, both of his guardians are alive.

Despite being not-so-camera-friendly individuals, they make rare appearances via their own and children’s social sites.

According to an interview of his father on, Pete and Dale love to see their son performing at concerts and undeniably enjoy it, proving the strong bonding between the parent-child.

Meet Them On Social Media

With more than 600 followers, Pete Wentz II is present on Twitter since 2011. Though he is not crazily active on the platform, he tweets and updates it time-to-time.

Present under the username @PeteShanks, he shows his interest in Politics and current affairs.

On the contrary, Dale is undiscoverable on social media.
