RHOD: Who is Court Westcott? Net worth and career of Kameron Westcotts husband!

Kameron Westcott, a prominent figure in the “Real Housewives of Dallas,” is married to the affluent Court Westcott. While Kameron and her fellow housewives enjoy the glitz and glamour of Dallas life, fans are naturally curious about the man behind the scenes. In this article, we delve into the life, career, and net worth of Court Westcott.

Meet Court Westcott

Court Westcott, at the age of 42, is the husband of Kameron Westcott and a familiar face on “Real Housewives of Dallas.” Kameron lovingly describes him as a “tech nerd and venture capitalist.” Their paths first crossed during their college days, with Kameron attending Southern Methodist University in Texas and Court at Vanderbilt University.

The Westcott family resides in the prestigious Highland Park neighborhood, sharing their home with two children, a Russian Bulldog named Chunk, and a new addition to the family, a puppy named Fanci.

Court’s Professional Journey

Court Westcott’s professional endeavors primarily revolve around investments, with a particular emphasis on emerging technology and real estate. His academic background is marked by a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy and political science from Vanderbilt University, followed by an MBA from SMU’s Cox School of Business.

Currently, Court is actively involved in Westcott LLC, a private investment platform initiated by his father, Carl, in 1996. Additionally, he plays a significant role in the management of Commodore Partners, a family-owned investment partnership under the Westcott name.

Unveiling Court Westcott’s Net Worth

Court Westcott’s net worth is reported to be around $2 million. However, when combined with Kameron’s wealth, their total net worth reaches an impressive $4.5 million. The Westcott family is undoubtedly one of the most esteemed and affluent families in Dallas, making a significant mark in both business and social circles.


Court Westcott, often seen alongside his wife Kameron on “Real Housewives of Dallas,” is a man of considerable achievement. With a successful career in investments and a strong educational background, he brings depth to the show’s dynamic. With a combined net worth of $4.5 million, the Westcotts continue to live a life of luxury and influence in the vibrant city of Dallas.
