Who Killed Zenaida Soto? Juan Gutierrez Arrested Over The Murder Charges

Zenaida Soto is a Los Angeles resident who was murdered by her childhood friend in 1998.

She was found dead on the couch, and from the scene, it was clear that she got stabbed. The Los Angeles Police Department learned about the murder case through a call they received on August 23, 1998.

Soto’s murder case seemed straight, but after Police Department investigated the case, it was found that she was killed by someone she was friends with. The revelation gave chills to many people.

Zenaida Soto Murder Case Update – Who Killed Her?

Zenaida Soto was a kind-hearted girl living in Los Angeles, but her life turned upside down in August 1998 as she was found murdered that night.

Soto was known in her community as she was generous and helped the people of her community. Similarly, she was close to her family members, especially her sister.

Just before her death, she had come out of her abusive relationship and was trying to live a happy life ahead. An unknown man reported her death to the police department.

The man said that he found Soto unconscious on his couch, and when the Police reached there, they found the person who called outside the home and took him into custody.

The murder case of Zenaida was narrated in Investigation Discovery’s ‘The Killer Closer: Deadly Reunion and showed how she lost her life at the hands of someone she had a close connection with.

Where Is Juan Gutierrez In 2022?

Juan Gutierrez is still in the Correctional Training Facility in Soledad, where he is being punished for murdering Zenaida Soto in 2022.

Zenaida’s murder case was investigated, and later, a link was found that Juan, who claimed he didn’t have any connection with Soto, was her childhood friend.

He was the first person who called the police department about Soto’s death and had his brother back him up, due to which he was off the Police’s radar.

But due to the mistake of calling the victim by name, Police searched everything about him, which led to the conclusion that he must be the murderer.

He was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 15 years to life in prison in 1999.

Zenaida Soto Stabbing To Death, What’s Happened?

Zenaida Soto was found murdered on the couch, and under further investigation, it was known that her death was due to a stabbing. The investigators kept her body in the middle room and searched the periphery to find any evidence.

The Police found a knife wrapped in a plastic bag, the murder weapon, and also saw that there was no forced entry into the home. So, they concluded that whoever the murderer knew was in and out ways of the house properly.

There were stab wounds in Soto’s Zenaida’sbody, and in her autopsy, it was found the cause of her death was stabbing, and she had fought for her life.
