I am using the summ() function from the jtools package with kableExtra to knit a PDF document. Why i

I am using RStudio 1.3.1093 with R 4.0.2 and I have created a markdown file for a class project. I am using the summ() function from jtools along with kableExtra to make the output from summ() look good. But when I knit the document, the table is split by a paragraph that is supposed to follow it:

Picture of incorrect output

I don't have any extra kable styling or anything, my code is simply:

Pfit <- lm(epa ~ yards_gained + yards_after_catch + air_yards + as.factor(fumble) + as.factor(fumble_lost) + yardline_100 + ydstogo + ydsnet, data = Pdf) summ(Pfit) 

Any ideas on how to fix this? Or is my only option to remove kableExtra?

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