Is Dr. Donald Cline married?

Our Father says little about Audrey Susie, presumably because she prefers to remain anonymous.

Audrey was, however, one of Dr. Cline’s patients, receiving fertility treatments from her husband, according to the documentary.

Dr. Donald Cline wife: Is Dr. Donald Cline married?

Despite the fact that Susie Cline, Donald Cline’s wife, is not featured in the Netflix documentary, it is revealed that she too had treatment at the reproductive clinic from her husband.

According to the documentary, after meeting with Jacoba Ballard, Donald contacted her again, telling her that “digging up the past was killing his marriage” since his wife thought his acts were adultery.

How many children does Dr. Donald Cline have?

Susie and her marriage to Cline are little known, but the doctor confirms that they had two children, Donna and Doug.

It’s unclear whether Donald and Susie are still married.

Currently, they cannot be located but they are meant to be in the US.
