Strange Things About Mark Zuckerberg's Marriage

When Zuckerberg traveled to Washington, D.C. in April 2018 to testify before Congress, his executive assistant, Andrea Besmehn, accompanied him. There's even a photograph of the two leaving Florida Sen. Bill Nelson's office on Capitol Hill, an image that appeared in numerous news outlets. The snap was taken by the Agence France-Presse and later licensed to Getty Images, a well-known photo agency based in Los Angeles, Calif. Everything about that photo was fine, except for one thing: the caption. "Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan (R) depart US Senator Bill Nelson's, D- Florida, office on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on April 9, 2018," it said (via Slate).

Did you catch the error? Yep, Besmehn was misidentified as Chan. Although mistakes happen, we think it's pretty odd that a famous couple like Zuckerberg and Chan would have to deal with a case of mistaken identity. According to The Huffington Post, "The mistake is particularly frustrating considering other recent errors the agency has made identifying celebrities of Asian descent." Let's hope this drama was a learning lesson for everyone involved.
