'Love You Always and Forever': Roommates of slain Idaho students get 'MKXE' tattoos in emotional tri

MOSCOW, IDAHO: As police are still investigating the , one of the murdered students' roommates shared a photo of the tattoo he got to honor his slain friends. In memory of the four friends, Dylan Mortensen, who has been eliminated as a suspect in the crimes, of angel wings on VSCO.

The tattoo includes an angel wing on either side and is etched with the characters "MKXE," which stands for an initial for each of Mortensen's roommates who died. "Maddie Kaylee Xana Ethan —MKXE— Love You Always and Forever," the caption of the photo read, as . As the police investigate allegations that one victim had a "stalker," Moscow police have also made a list of individuals they have eliminated as suspects.


The other surviving roommate, Bethany Funke, is said to have gotten the tattoo as well. They got the tattoo more than a week after , 21, her housemates Madison Mogen, 21, and Xana Kernodle, 20, as well as Xana's boyfriend, Ethan Chapin, 20, were all brutally stabbed in Xana's Moscow home on November 13.

The investigation into allegations that Kaylee Goncalves had a stalker was disclosed by investigators on November 22. They haven't been able to independently verify these allegations, though. "We obtained information through some of our interviews that Kaylee had made some comments about a stalker. So that's where that came from," Moscow Police Captain Roger Lanier said on November 23. "We have followed up looking at specific time frames and specific areas of town. So far, we have not been able to corroborate it, but we're not done looking into that piece of information."

Unsettling camera footage from the night before the victims' terrible killings showed two of students conversing and grabbing a late-night snack from a food truck before their death. According to the police, the two had just left a nearby bar together. Police investigated the footage, which shows the two women—identified as Mogen and Goncalves—waiting with a hooded mystery guy nearby. The individual has been investigated, but is not a suspect, they said in their most recent news conference.

According to the police captain, Mogen and Goncalves got home about 1.45 am. According to Lanier, Chapin and Kernodle, the other two victims, were out that evening at a fraternity party and returned home at the same time. According to Lanier, Mortensen and his other surviving roommate Bethany Funke arrived home at approximately one in the morning.

No suspect has been named so far by the police. The inquiry into the quadruple murder is being assisted by the FBI and the Idaho State Police Colonel Kedrick Wills of the Idaho state police stated that they have so far relied on a 3D scan of the house, 1,000 leads, and 150 interviews in addition to gathering 103 pieces of evidence at the crime scene and analysing 4,000 images to solve the crime that has rocked the small town of Moscow.
