How much is Cori Bush worth? Salary and net worth explored

Cori Anika Bush, an American politician, was born on July 21, 1976.

She is a registered nurse, a pastor, and a Black Lives Matter activist who also serves as the United States Representative for Missouri’s First Congressional District.

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How much does Cori Bush make a year?

Cori Bush makes around $174,000 per year. Her pay as a registered nurse, however, is not published. She is one of the most highly compensated legislators.

Bush supports policies such as police defunding, criminal justice reform, and abortion rights; Medicare for All; a $15 minimum salary; tuition-free public colleges and trade schools; and student debt cancellation.

What is Cori Bush net worth?

Cori Bush’s net worth is estimated to be between $1 million and $5 million as of 2022. 

Is Cori Bush rich?

Her primary sources of income are as a successful politician and a qualified nurse. She is one of several powerful and well-known figures in American politics. Given her net worth, we can only conclude that she is not wealthy, but she lives a comfortable life.
