Prince of Persia (PoP): The Lost Crown Trophies and Achievements

Here is a complete breakdown of all the PlayStation Trophies and Xbox Achievements you can earn in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

Ubisoft has finally revived the Prince of Persia franchise, and now we can prepare ourselves for a captivating adventure as we delve into the immersive world of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

This action-packed game is filled with innovative time-based mechanics. It introduces players to the enigmatic protagonist, Sargon, and a realm teeming with both peril and wonder.

Unveiling a unique blend of combat and exploration, “The Lost Crown” distinguishes itself with Sargon’s extraordinary powers. This includes the Rush of the Simurgh, allowing for instantaneous time dashes and temporary invincibility.

Read More: Prince of Persia (PoP): The Lost Crown System Requirements

We will be able to traverse the intricately designed landscapes of the game’s new 2.5D setting. I am excited to discover the Shadow of the Simurgh, a skill enabling the placement of shadow markers. They will serve as swift return checkpoints, enhancing both strategy and maneuverability.

Beyond the enthralling combat dynamics, players can wield a bow and arrows for precise long-distance attacks, adding a layer of versatility to their arsenal.

The game takes a bold step by incorporating customizable and collectible talismans, empowering players to tailor Sargon’s abilities to their preferred playstyle.

This innovative customization feature places decision-making firmly in the hands of players, offering a dynamic and personalized gaming experience.

Secret levels and treasure await, and so does a handful of trophies and achievements in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. So, if you plan to 100% this game, then we got your back!

All Trophies and Achievements in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Below are all the Xbox Achievements and PlayStation trophies you can unlock in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

All Xbox Achievements for PoP: The Lost Crown

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown has 30 Xbox Achievements, amounting to 1,000 Gamerscore.

Achievement NameHow to UnlockGamerscore
The ManeaterDefeat the king of beasts30G
The Forest TrespasserDefeat the otherworldly queen30G
Snake in the SandDefeat the banished god40G
Fists & ArrowsDefeat the artful legend40G
The Storm MasterDefeat the mighty master40G
The White LionDefeat the vengeful prince40G
King of KingsDefeat the king40G
The End of TimeDefeat the god prince70G
A Warrior’s EndDefeat the old general30G
Time ServedEliminate the Jailer30G
Parallel UniverseDefeat an alternate version15G
Warrior WithinUse every Athra Surge30G
Glory of FaravaharFully upgrade the necklace30G
Blessing of ShamshirFully upgrade sword and bow70G
Tools of a ProphetCollect all amulets70G
Elixir of GodsAcquire all Soma Tree petals60G
Cyra’s Last HopeFind the Herbalist’s last camp15G
Written in the SandComplete the prophecy fresco30G
Tree of LifeSpeak with every Wak-Wak head50G
Spectre of the SeasDiscover the ghost ship15G
Hidden FloorDiscover a secret floor15G
The True MoonComplete the Moon Gatherer’s quest30G
Charitable SoulComplete every side quest70G
BetrayalEliminate an enemy with the Dimensional Claw15G
Natural ResourcesCollect 5 ores20G
Shock TrooperEliminate 20 enemies with an opportunity attack15G
An Honorable EndDefeat a Lost Warrior15G
All the Time in the WorldEarn 10,000 Time Crystals15G
Air DancerEliminate 30 enemies in the air15G
Deadly TrapEliminate 5 enemies by throwing them into spikes15G
Xbox Achievements list for PoP: The Lost Crown

All PlayStation Trophies in PoP: The Lost Crown

There are 31 PlayStation trophies for you to unlock in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Among them, 11 are Bronze trophies, 14 are Silver trophies, 5 are Gold trophies, and 1 is a Platinum trophy. Among them, this game has only 1 Secret/Hidden trophy. I’ve listed all of the PlayStation trophies and their requirements below.

Trophy NameHow to UnlockTrophy Type
Prince of PersiaAcquire all TrophiesPlatinum
The Forest TrespasserDefeat the otherworldly queenSilver
Snake in the SandDefeat the banished godSilver
Fists & ArrowsDefeat the artful legendSilver
The Storm MasterDefeat the mighty masterSilver
The White LionDefeat the vengeful princeSilver
King of KingsDefeat the kingSilver
The End of TimeDefeat the god princeGold
A Warrior’s EndDefeat the old generalSilver
Time ServedEliminate the JailerSilver
Parallel UniverseDefeat an alternate versionBronze
Warrior WithinUse every Athra SurgeSilver
Glory of FaravaharFully upgrade the necklaceSilver
Blessing of ShamshirFully upgrade sword and bowGold
Tools of a ProphetCollect all amuletsGold
Elixir of GodsAcquire all Soma Tree petalsGold
Cyra’s Last HopeFind the Herbalist’s last campGold
Written in the SandComplete the prophecy frescoSilver
Tree of LifeSpeak with every Wak-Wak headSilver
Spectre of the SeasDiscover the ghost shipBronze
Hidden FloorDiscover a secret floorBronze
The True MoonComplete the Moon Gatherer’s questSilver
Charitable SoulComplete every side questGold
BetrayalEliminate an enemy with the Dimensional ClawBronze
Natural ResourcesCollect 5 oresBronze
Shock TrooperEliminate 20 enemies with an opportunity attackBronze
An Honorable EndDefeat a Lost WarriorBronze
All the Time in the WorldEarn 10,000 Time CrystalsBronze
Air DancerEliminate 30 enemies in the airBronze
Deadly TrapEliminate 5 enemies by throwing them into spikesBronze
The ManeaterDefeat the king of beastsSilver (Secret)
PlayStation Trophies List for PoP: The Lost Crown

Read More: Is Playing Older Prince of Persia Games Necessary Before Starting PoP: The Lost Crown?
