Lee Thomas, born James Leroy Thomas was an American professional player and front-office executive.
Lee Thomas age
How old was Lee Thomas at the time of death? What was Lee Thomas‘ age at the time of death? Lee Thomas was 86 years old when he died.
Lee Thomas height
How tall was Lee Thomas? What was Lee Thomas‘ height? Lee Thomas was 6 feet and 2 inches tall.
Lee Thomas cause of death
How did Lee Thomas die? What was Lee Thomas’ cause of death? Lee Thomas’ cause of death has not been revealed yet.
Lee Thomas wife
Was Lee Thomas married? Who was Lee Thomas’ wife? Lee Thomas was married to a woman named Susie.
Lee Thomas children
Did Lee Thomas have children? Who are Lee Thomas‘ children? Lee Thomas had four children named Matthew, Scott, Deron, and Daryl Thomas.
Lee Thomas net worth
How much was Lee Thomas worth? What was Lee Thomas‘ net worth? How rich was Lee Thomas? Lee Thomas had an estimated net worth of around $1 million, according to sources.