First Dates Hotel: Sharon and Kenny had more in common than they BARGAINED for! Wed 10 October

The First Dates spin-off show is onto its third series.

In the heart of Italy at the First Dates Hotel, we met 43-year-old Sharon from Essex.

Episode 5 saw Sharon meet Kenny, a car salesman who was from Essex, too.

But their hometown wasn’t the only thing the pair had in common. Dates Hotel Sharon series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot

We were introduced to Sharon as waitress Laura Tott caught up with her in her room.

Sharon said she just wanted to meet “someone cheeky like her”.

Sharon Meets Kenny Cars

Kenny or ‘Kenny Cars’ as he’s known, said he’s been single for years.

He said he goes home to his dog, Diesel, but he’d “love to be married and have someone there”.

Kenny also mentioned that he had a wife a long time ago and leaves us asking, what happened? Dates Hotel Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot

Kenny and Sharon’s First Date

Next, it’s time for the pair to go on their date.

We see Sharon, exit her hotel room saying some wise words: “let’s not trip over”.

Sharon pretty much gets lost on the way to her date before actually being rescued by Fred Sirieix and escorted to the restaurant.

Will someone get Sharon a map please?#FirstDatesHotel

— D (@PunctualMonkey) October 2, 2018

View Tweet Dates Hotel Sharon series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot

Once the pair met and were seated, conversation quickly turned to their past relationships. Shot: First Dates Hotel Sharon series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Dates Hotel Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot

Sharon asked Kenny if he’d ever been married for him to reply: “Yeah, but that was a long time ago”.

Sharon said she hadn’t ever married but did talk about it with her late partner. Shot: First Dates Hotel Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4

Sharon explains to Kenny that she actually lost her previous partner to suicide.

first dates hotel sharon and kenny Dates Hotel Sharon series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shotfirst dates hotel sharon and kenny Shot: First Dates Hotel Sharon series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Shot: First Dates Hotel Sharon series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Dates Hotel Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot

Sharon said:

It was the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with, ever, in my whole entire life.

The sales and marketing secretary then went on to ask Kenny why his marriage only last a year and a half.

first dates hotel sharon and kenny Shot: First Dates Hotel Sharon series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4

To be met with a very awkward silence.

Kenny then replied: “Well, that was a while ago, so.” Dates Hotel Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot

Kenny Opens Up

After dinner, the couple moved outside to enjoy a drink under the stars.

Kenny then opened up about his previous marriage.

first dates hotel sharon and kenny - Shot: First Dates Hotel Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4

Kenny lost his wife to leukaemia and took care of her until she passed. Dates Hotel Sharon series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot Shot: First Dates Hotel Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4

Kenny admitted he felt ‘undateable’ because he was a widow.

first dates hotel sharon and kenny - Shot: First Dates Hotel Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4

Did Kenny and Sharon Have a Spark?

Despite their tragic pasts Kenny and Sharon had a great date.

The pair were laughing all night. Shot: First Dates Hotel Sharon and Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4

So it’s no wonder that they agreed they’d like to see each other again. Shot: First Dates Hotel Sharon and Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4

Sharon fell head over heels quite literally in this episode of First Dates Hotel.

On the way back to her room she took a tumble. Dates Hotel Sharon and Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot

And Kenny wasn’t doing too well for himself either. and Kenny First Dates Hotel series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot Dates Hotel Sharon and Kenny series 3 episode 5 – Channel 4 Screen Shot

The pair have met up regularly back in the UK.

Sharon was welcomed with “open paws” by Kenny’s dog, Diesel.

Another successful first date in the bag!

First Dates Hotel Othello gives us the perfect example of what NOT TO SAY on a first date!

