Update On What Happened With Todd Kendhammer After Appeal From Children Claiming He Was Innocent

What happened to Todd Kendhammer? His daughter and son are speaking ahead of the 48 Hours episode.

Kendhammer called 911 around 8 am on September 16, 2016, to report a car accident on a rural road just outside of La Crosse, Wisconsin. His wife Barbara passed away the next day after the horrible car accident. 

The authorities questioned Todd's story from the beginning. He got blamed for his wife's death, and he got convicted of intentional homicide. Kendhammer and his children have refused to accept the verdict and are trying to seek a new trial. 

48 Hours: Todd Kendhammer Case On Wikipedia- Blamed For Wife's Death

Todd Kendhammer's case is not on Wikipedia. However, the case is featured on "Mystery on County Road M" in 48 Hours. The episode is airing on January 29, on CBS and Paramount+, and is reported by correspondent Erin Moriarty. 

When the police arrived on the scene of the accident, Todd revealed that a pipe flew off a truck, came through the windshield, and struck Barbara. She was rushed to the hospital but sadly passed away the following day.

Todd Kendhammer says his wife was killed in an accident — a pipe flew off a truck and crashed into their car. Authorities say the scene was staged. @EFMoriarty reports Saturday at 10/9c on @CBS and @paramountplus. https://t.co/TSlhwp1fbC

— 48 Hours (@48hours) January 27, 2022

An autopsy result revealed that she passed away due to blunt force injuries to the head and neck. The medical examiner did not find consistency with her injuries, and the accident Kendhammer had described, reports CBS News.

The police believed that Todd killed his wife and staged the scene to look like it was an accident. He got arrested three months after the incident and went on a trial the next year.

Todd Kendhammer Innocence Appeal By Son & Daughter

Todd Kendhammer's son, Jordan Kendhammer, and his daughter, Jessica Servais, both appealed his innocence. They said that their parents were very much in love and just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. 

Authorities questioned Todd Kendhammer’s story that his wife died in a car accident — and he was tried and convicted of intentional homicide.

His children have refused to accept the verdict and are seeking a new trial. What happened on County Road M? https://t.co/AzMXCies6L pic.twitter.com/okIv7vCWPB

— 48 Hours (@48hours) January 29, 2022

Barbara and Todd were both in a good time in their lives as they just had their first grandkid. His daughter revealed that she was in a constant state of anxiety and could not sleep or eat.

Todd's children are speaking ahead of the 48-hour episode, as they are waiting for a judge's decision on a new trial, reports WKBT: News8000.

Update On What Happened To Todd Kendhammer - Wife Murder Trial Verdict

Todd Kendhammer was back in court in 2021 on the murder trial of his wife.

According to the court's verdict, Kendhammer was found guilty. On December 15, 2017, he was found guilty of first-degree intentional homicide.

He was sentenced to life in prison, however, Todd is eligible for parole after 30 years.
