Milandu Bhe by Makhadzi from South Africa

"Milandu Bhe" Facts

"Milandu Bhe" has reached 139.2K total views, 875 likes, and dislikes on YouTube.

The song has been submitted on 04/11/2022 and spent 7 weeks on the charts.

The original name of the music video "Milandu Bhe" is "MAKHADZI - MILANDU BHE FT PAPA PENNY [PRODUCED BY MASTER AZART] (ORIGINAL)".

"Milandu Bhe" has been published on Youtube at 04/11/2022 06:33:58

"Milandu Bhe" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label

Makhadzi  Milandu Bhe Ft Papa Penny  (Produced by Master Azart)

Makhadzi - Milandu Bhe, Milandu Bhe,
Milandu Bhe - Papa Penny,
Master Azart - Milandu Bhe,
Milandu Bhe - Makhadzi,
Milandu Bhe mp3 download,
Makhadzi songs, Makhadzi songs 2022,
Milandu Bhe Download,Milandu - Makhdzi,
Milandu - Papa Penny, Milandu Master Azart,
Bolo House 2022, bolohousemusic,
