Is there a Luther season 6? Could there be a MOVIE instead? Mon 7 January 2019 17:48 Upd

With Luther season 5 done and dusted, fans are eagerly anticipating the next series.

The gritty U.K crime/drama ended on something of a cliffhanger, with the phrase “never let John Luther back through your door again” closing season 5 in a more than tense manner.

So when is Luther season 6? Or could there be a Luther movie instead?

DCI John Luther (IDRIS ELBA) - (C) BBC - Photographer: Des WillieDCI John Luther (IDRIS ELBA) – (C) BBC – Photographer: Des Willie

Is There a Luther Season 6?

Don’t get your hopes up!

At the moment it’s a no, with zero plans to move forward with a season 6.

In fact, Idris Elba hinted that season 5 would be the last in an interview with the Radio Times:

I don’t think we’re going to do too many TV versions of it; I think the next step is to make a film.

Alice Morgan (RUTH WILSON), DCI John Luther (IDRIS ELBA) - (C) BBC - Photographer: David EllisAlice Morgan (RUTH WILSON), DCI John Luther (IDRIS ELBA) – (C) BBC – Photographer: David Ellis

Luther Movie

Idris continued to point towards a possible Luther movie during his interview with the Radio Times, adding that “season 5 has the film very much in its sights”.

He said:

We’ve got a skeleton of an idea for a film. And I’m not allowed to say too much but I can say that this season has the film very much in its sights. If there is a film, then it will be somehow connected to this season.

DCI John Luther (IDRIS ELBA)DCI John Luther (IDRIS ELBA)

Whether it’s a movie or another season, the release date is anyone’s guess, with no consistency to all five seasons.

Whatever the outcome, all five seasons are available to watch via BBC iPlayer, giving you enough time to catch up with every episode of Luther before the next big release.

The show is also available to watch on BBC America.



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