How Rachel Zegler became a hated celebrity in China

Rachel Zegler, the 22-year-old actress and vocalist, has emerged as a prominent figure in Hollywood, marked by both success and controversy. From her acclaimed debut in Steven Spielberg's West Side Story to her controversial casting as Snow White in Disney's live-action remake, Zegler's journey has been eventful, sparking discussions on representation, authenticity, and her outspoken views.

But the actress also has quite a few detractors in China, with an apparent fan meeting gone awry.

Rachel Zegler was allegedly rude to a fan in China

While at a promotional event in China for the movie Shazam! Fury of the Gods, where she plays Anthea, Rachel Zegler refused to take a picture with a fan, who's a Chinese influencer, and allegedly gave him a disapproving look.

The actress’s staff, who threatened to call security, when the fan was spotted filming from afar, later escorted the fan off the premises. This led the disgruntled fan to upload his experience through a vlog on TikTok, which went viral.

As news of Zegler's controversy spread, social media platforms became battlegrounds for fans and critics. Negative sentiments flooded comment sections, with Zegler's statements and actions becoming topics of heated discussion.

The once-rising star had found herself caught in the crossfire of public opinion once again.

In an Instagram story that has since been deleted, the actress had posted, "Respect women today. (And everyday)” with a middle finger sign, which could have been a response to the hate comments she was receiving.

The aggrieved fan, who mentioned he had ADHD in the video, said he is also seeing a psychotherapist.

Rachel Zegler's controversies

The decision to cast Zegler as Snow White had prompted a wave of discussions. While some appreciated Disney's push for diversity, long-time Disney fans argued that certain characters should stay true to their original ethnic portrayals.

Zegler's remark, "It's no longer 1937," sparked further controversy, dividing Disney fans and fueling negative reactions online.

Criticizing the original Snow White film as outdated, labeling the Prince as a stalker, and questioning the love narrative, she garnered criticism. Her indifferent attitude towards the film and classic Disney features fueled negativity, showcasing a side of the actress that didn't sit well with fans.

Furthermore, reports surfaced about Spellbound, an Apple TV animated feature in which she was involved, facing uncertainties. Apple ultimately decided to shelve it and it was subsequently picked up by Netflix.

The Golden Globe Award-winning actress’s outspoken views extended beyond her current projects. Her negative remarks about actors Jeremy Renner and Gina Carano generated waves of discontent as well.

Rachel Zegler’s 2023 film roles in films like Shazam! Fury of the Gods and The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes have also left fans unimpressed with both movies being considered failures in the superhero genre.

Now the question arises: can Rachel Zegler redeem herself?

As she navigates the aftermath of controversies, including the delayed Snow White remake, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes not performing at the box office, and the dismal fate of Spellbound, the industry watches closely to see if Zegler can transform the narrative and regain favor in the eyes of both critics and fans.

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