5 chilling details about Paula Sladewski's murder

Paula Sladewski's gruesome 2010 murder case remains a mystery to all after a decade-long investigation that has provided officials with nothing more than a few minor clues and multiple dead ends. Sladewski was an aspiring young model whose body was found brutally burned inside a dumpster not far from the Miami nightclub she was last spotted at.

The 26-year-old victim's boyfriend, Kevin Klym, was initially named as a suspect in the case after details about his abusive past with Paula surfaced. Moreover, allegations were made that the nightclub's staff may have been involved in the murder, which was later ruled out, leaving the case cold and unsolved for over a dozen years now.

On Tuesday, November 15, Oxygen's Dateline: Unforgettable is slated to revisit the murder case of Paula Sladewski in an upcoming episode titled Death of a Golden Girl. The synopsis of the episode reads:

"An aspiring Playboy model is murdered in Miami, FL. A seven second clip of her last moments alive are caught on security video and could hold key clues. The haunting images make this case one of Dennis Murphy's most memorable."

From a long night of partying to hopes of finding a killer, here are five key details from Paula Sladewski's case

1) Paula Sladewski and her boyfriend were kicked out of a nightclub called Club Space on the night of the murder

According to reports, both Sladewski and her boyfriend Kevin Klym, who were visiting Miami, Florida, during the 2010 New Year's weekend, headed to a popular nightclub called Club Space during the early morning hours of January 3 after two nights of heavy drinking and partying. Kevin was, however, kicked out of the club after causing a scene after Paula refused to leave the place.

Klym claimed that he immediately got a cab and returned to the hotel where they were staying to sleep. Not long after he left, Sladewski was also escorted out of the club moments after which she reportedly disappeared. A surveillance video from that night showed two bouncers following her out of the venue. Space's manager claimed that a mysterious man followed her when she left.

2) A body found in a dumpster later that day was identified as Paula Sladewski

That same day, about 13 to 14 hours after the incident at the club, a North Miami resident called the police and the fire department after seeing a burning dumpster on NW 14 Avenue and 130 Street, in an industrial area about 12 miles from the nightclub. Upon arrival, authorities discovered the burning body of a woman at the horrific scene.

The severely burnt body was later identified as Paula Sladewski, using dental records. The victim's face was completely unrecognizable, with nothing more than piercings and earrings left behind.

3) Authorities believed that the suspect killed Paula elsewhere and then burned the body

Investigators came up with the theory that she was killed somewhere else and then brought to the dumpster where her body was set on fire. They believed that someone who knew about the location of the dumpster was behind the murder, given that it's something not everyone would know about.

An autopsy revealed the possible cause of death as strangulation, thus stating that Paula Sladewski was murdered before her body was set on fire.

4) Her boyfriend alleged that the Club Space staff was behind the crime

Kevin Klym, Paula's boyfriend, claimed that one of the bouncers from Club Space, where the two partied on the night of the murder, that is, on January 3, was behind the brutal crime. Sources stated that Klym was kicked out of the club that night and returned to the hotel. Not long after, Sladewski was also escorted out after which she went missing.

According to Kevin, the staff members may have planned to pursue Sladewski and thus chose to split the pair to be able to get to her when she was alone. Two bouncers were seen following her as she left in a grainy, black-and-white CCTV clip. The club's manager, however, claimed otherwise, stating that another individual followed the victim out of the club and that they left the place together.

5) Paula Sladewski's boyfriend was named a person of interest in the case

When authorities started investigating Paula's murder case, they realized that her boyfriend Kevin was the only known person to have seen her alive before she was killed and then burned. Upon digging further, they learned that he was abusive towards the victim, which pushed them to name him as a person of interest in the case. He was eventually ruled out as a suspect and the case remains unsolved to date.

Dateline: Unforgettable airs on Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

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