How old is Farouk Shami? When is Farouk Shami's birthday? Where is Farouk Shami born? Where did Farouk Shami grow up from? What's Farouk Shami's age?
Farouk Shami Born: December 15, 1942 (age 80years), Beit Ur al-Tahta
Is Farouk Shami married? When did Farouk Shami get married? Who's Farouk Shami's married to? (Who's Farouk Shami's husband / wife)?
Farouk Shami Spouse: Izziah Shami (m. 1961)
How about Farouk Shami's sibling?
Farouk Shami Sibling: Jamil Shami
Does Farouk Shami have any children? What are the names of Farouk Shami's children? What are the ages of Farouk Shami's children?
Farouk Shami Children: Basim Shami, Rami Shami
How about Farouk Shami's education?
Farouk Shami Education: University of Arkansas
How about Farouk Shami's nationality?
Farouk Shami Nationality: American
How about Farouk Shami's party?
Farouk Shami Party: Democratic Party
What is Farouk net worth?
Farouk Shami Net Worth: Farouk Shami is a Palestinian-American businessman who has a net worth of $700 million. He is best known as the Farouk Systems, a hair-care and spa products company.
Who invented the first ammonia free hair color?
The world's first commercial ammonia-free hair color product was invented by Farouk Shami, the founder and chairman of Farouk Systems hair care company, in 1985.
Who is the owner of BioSilk?
Farouk Systems, Inc. is a Houston-based company of hairdressers for hairdressers, known for manufacturing high-quality professional hair care products under the industry-leading brands CHI, BioSilk, and SunGlitz.
Who is the CEO of Farouk com?
Farouk Systems CEOFarouk Shami appointed his eldest son, Rami Shami, as the CEO of Farouk Systems Inc.