The Untold Truth Of Victoria Caputo And Larry Caputo, Jr.

Victoria Caputo said in her SCSU interview, "Life growing up for me was normal. I grew up like any kid would. I went to school. My mom cooked me dinner. You know ... I just had a normal life." She described a schedule of quality time with friends and family, interspersed with school activities and sports. "TLC does not exaggerate anything about our family," Victoria added. "We are who we are. And we like to express that. We're very loud. We're funny... There's nothing hiding, and they don't make it look like we're crazy. We're just crazy." Sounds like a normal family to us!

Viewers submitted questions to Larry Caputo Jr. at the Season 5 premiere of Long Island Medium about Caputo family life (via YouTube). Asked whether Theresa gives him advice from the great beyond, Larry Jr. said, "She generally doesn't give me, you know, medium advice. She gives me mom advice. She gives me motherly things a mom would tell a son." In response to a question about his friends' reaction to Theresa's gift, he said, "Like me, my friends have grown up knowing my mom talks to dead people. They don't really know much different than I do. You know, they had a friend whose mom talks to dead people. Nothing weird about that. If they do think they're creeped out, they've never told me." Anything can seem normal to children if it's all they know.
