What happened to Billy Byrnes daughter? DIY SOS star opens up about family tradegy Wed 13 No

The Children in Need special of DIY SOS aired on Wednesday, November 13th on BBC One and it was one of the most emotional episodes ever!

Children in Need had reached out to the DIY SOS team to build housing accommodation for six homeless young people and tears were flowing from the get-go.

But the sentiment of the show hit home for one of the DIY SOS team’s most beloved members. The “Prince of Darkness” Billy Byrne has his own personal struggle relating to his daughter’s passing which he has touched upon in previous episodes of DIY SOS.

So, what happened to Billy’s daughter, Emma?

DIY SOS Big Build Children in Need Special (No. n/a) – Picture Shows: Nick Knowles, Pudsey, Designer Gabrielle Blackman and the team of Purple Shirts: Billy, Chris, Jules and Mark outside the DIY SOS Big Build for BBC Children in Need – (C) BBC – Photographer: Neil Sherwood

What happened to Billy’s daughter?

When Billy’s daughter, Emma was just 20-years-old, she passed away of cancer.

He does not speak about the Byrne family’s loss much, but has admitted before that therapy was the only way he managed to get through.

Before therapy, Billy said that he was not able to speak about Emma without breaking down.

In an episode of The Big Build in Plymouth from October 24th, 2019, Billy touched on his personal loss.

  • SEE ALSO: Meet DIY SOS designer Gabrielle Blackman – career, Instagram and more!

A massive thank you for your kind words, and for watching the show, I’ll pass your message on to my family, take care and best wishes Billy xxx https://t.co/HLD1jUuYZ1

— billy byrne (@DiysosBilly) October 25, 2019

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Billy’s charity fundraising

After Emma passed away, Billy and his second daughter, Natalie started fundraising for the Keech Cottage Hospice. Keech was their local hospice in Bedfordshire.

They both participated in the Keech Hospice Care’s Trek India Trek in 2010.

Billy said: “I want to raise lots of money for the hospices on this trek so I’m going to bang the drum and work as hard as I can.”

He also had a team with him who were volunteering to renovate Delhi’s Cancer Hospice and help make a children’s play area.

Billy and Natalie fundraised £3,075 and smashed their target!

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Donate to Children in Need 2019

The DIY SOS special is fundraising for Children in Need this year. They use the money you donate to help struggling and disadvantaged children across the UK.

Children in Need falls on Friday, November 15th and in the lead up to the series, BBC have been hosting series’ specials to fundraise.

To donate to Children in Need, head over to the website. You can donate online, over the phone or through the post.


