On August 22, 2023, 21-year-old Erica Lawson was indicted with murder in Bell County Circuit Court following the death of her 17-month-old daughter. The Kentucky mother was charged with one count of murder, failure to report child dependency neglect or abuse, first-degree criminal abuse, and first-degree wanton endangerment.
Trigger Warning: This article contains mentions of child abuse. Readers' discretion is advised.
On the morning of September 5, 2023, Erica Lawson, who was accused of allegedly murdering her daughter, was arraigned in Bell County Circuit Court. Bell County Commonwealth Attorney Lisa Fugate mentioned that at the hearing, a Notice of Aggravating Circumstance was filed in her case, which notified Lawson that the Commonwealth will be seeking to impose the death penalty.
Erica Lawson's daughter reportedly had signs of physical and s*xual abuse
WVLT reported that Erica Lawson's daughter was first taken to the Middlesboro ARH hospital with severe injuries. She was later flown to East Tennessee Children's Hospital on July 28, 2023, and was put on life support. However, on July 30, 2023, she succumbed to the injuries.
According to a report by WATE, Commonwealth Attorney Fugate mentioned that the infant had signs of physical and s*xual abuse. WBIR reported that the indictment mentioned that Erica was unsuccessful in helping her daughter when she could not breathe and also accused her of abusing the infant and leaving bruises on her.
Officials stated that this was one of the "most severe cases of abuse."
"This is one of the most severe cases of abuse, specifically because the baby was 17 months old," Commonwealth Attorney Lisa Fugate said, as per WVLT.Caley Ayers from the Middlesboro Police Department also shed light on the severity of the situation and noted:
"In my time with the commonwealth, this is one of the most severe cases of abuse, specifically because that baby is 17 months old at that time."Erica Lawson was apprehended in connection to the death of her daughter on July 30, 2023, and her case was presented to a grand jury on August 8, 2023.
Erica Lawson reportedly used drugs while looking after her daughter
Crime Online reported that weeks prior to the infant's death, her uncle informed the authorities that she had burns on her body. However, he was unaware of the child's whereabouts, and the authorities were unable to locate her. WBIR reported that according to prosecutors, Erica had been using drugs while having her 17-month-old daughter in her care.
On August 4, 2023, the Middlesboro Police Department informed that DNA test results were being used to identify further suspects in the infant's death. The next day, the Middlesboro community gathered to mourn the death of the infant and to take a stand to reform child abuse laws.
Erica Lawson will remain in custody on a $1 million bond. The Commonwealth of Kentucky now seeks to impose the death penalty. There are currently 26 individuals on death row in Kentucky, as per 10News.
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