What would Dumbledore's Animagus be?

So, probably a Phoenix. Harry is oblivious so Dumbledore could well be an animagus. There is a theory that he didn't need an invisibility cloak, because his animal was good at hiding -- Maybe a chameleon.

Does Dumbledore have Animagus form?

A teacher who taught the skill did not need to be an Animagus themselves, as shown when Professor Dumbledore, who was not an Animagus, taught Minerva McGonagall how to successfully become one.

Who are the 7 registered Animagus?

There were only seven Animagi registered in the twentieth century, one being Minerva McGonagall and the other six unknown (PA19). However, there were at least four more that went unregistered by the Ministry: James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Rita Skeeter.

Is Dumbledore Animagus Phoenix?

No. No evidence as to whether Dumbledore was an Animagus has been presented in the books. One doesn't actually choose one's Animagus. The learning process involves holding the leaf of a Mandrake in your mouth for an entire month.

What would Harry be as an Animagus?

Harry Potter

While the stag is an appropriate Patronus form for Harry because the deer as a spirit animal represents a strong intuition and an ability to overcome challenges with grace, I believe Harry's Animagus form would differ from his father's. I think his would be closer to Sirius's black dog form.

Why Dumbledore Was a SECRET Animagus - Harry Potter Theory

What is Hermione Animagus?

Rowling confirmed in two separate interviews that Hermione's Animagus form would be an otter, matching her Patronus.

Was Lily Potter an Animagus?

James Potter

James's Animagus form was that of a stag, which earned him his nickname, Prongs. Strikingly, Harry's Patronus was a stag and his mother Lily's was a doe, a female deer, showing that the family's characters were in harmony and formed part of the same animal group.

Is Snape an Animagus?

“A creature I wouldn't want to kiss . . . a spider!” Harry figures out the riddle, and realizes that a spider is about to attack. But what he doesn't realize is what I now believe: that the spider in the maze is Professor Snape, in his Animagus form. It is Spider/Snape who bears down on Cedric and Harry.

What was Peter Pettigrew's Animagus?

Pettigrew's Animagus form was a rat, from which his nickname "Wormtail" was derived. The four friends called themselves the Marauders and designed a map to navigate Hogwarts.

What did Dumbledore transfigure into?

Well it's a common consensus that he was a Goat animagus and he used to mess around with his brother, who were both goat farmers when they were younger.

Is Viktor Krum an Animagus?

Transfiguration and Animagi are different

For example: if Viktor Krum can transfigure his head into a shark's, like he does in Goblet of Fire, that doesn't mean he is an Animagus. Transfiguration is a form of spell-casting, whereas becoming an Animagus is forever.

Is Voldemort an Animagus?

Originally Answered: Why wasn't Voldermort an animagus? Voldemort was never given a reason to become an Animagus. We know his greatest desire is to be immortal, and being an Animagus would not help this.

Can an Animagus transform without a wand?

The Animagus transformation is one of a very few forms of magic that can be performed in a controlled manner without a Wand. Sirius and Wormtail have displayed the ability to transform into their Animagus shapes without wands.

Can Dumbledore transfigure?

While Dumbledore was a transfiguration teacher prior to becoming headmaster and tutored McGonagall, there is simply no evidence of him having become one. Dumbledore was a transfiguration teacher for many years so it is possible that he would know how.

Is Runcorn a Death Eater?

Death Eater control of the Ministry

During Pius Thicknesse's administration of the Ministry of Magic, Runcorn informed on Muggle-borns to the Ministry of Magic, subsequently leading to their arrest and imprisonment.

What is Rita Skeeter's Patronus?

Animagus: Rita had mastered a complex branch of Transfiguration, becoming an unregistered beetle Animagus, to get information and gossip without being caught. Defense Against the Dark Arts: She was able to cast many jinxes. Patronus: She also had the ability to conjure at least a non-corporeal Patronus.

How many OWLs did Hermione obtain?

According to Half-Blood Prince, Hermione achieved eleven OWLs: 'Oh, come off it,' said Ron, striding over to her and whipping her results out of her hand. 'Yep - ten "Outstandings" and one "Exceeds Expectations" in Defence Against the Dark Arts. '

Why is James Potter a bully?

James was a bully in school — to the point that even the biggest of James Potter apologists can't deny this. He mercilessly teased Snape, and in one particularly horrific memory, hung him upside down and exposed him in front of the entire school.

Is Newt related to Luna?

In 2015, J.K. Rowling indeed revealed that, after the Battles of Hogwarts, Luna married Newt Scamander's grandson, who is a magizoologist himself too.

Why can Death Eaters fly without brooms?

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This form of flight (incantation unknown) was a spell that allowed a witch or wizard to fly without the use of a broomstick or other form of support. The spell was notably demonstrated by Lord Voldemort.

Why did Sirius turn into dog?

Sirius Black can turn into a Dog because he was an “Animagus”. An Animagus is a witch or wizard who could transform themselves into an animal and back again as per their choice.

What was Snape's original Patronus?

Severus Snape's Patronus was also a doe, which symbolized his love for Lily.

What was Lily's Patronus before James?

But Lily's Patronus never changes. It stays a doe. Now a lot of people say that she's a doe because James was a stag. Therefore they match because they are opposite sex/same species creatures and are meant for one another.
