Katelyn Nicole Davis suicide: Heres what we know so far

The Suicide of Katelyn Nicole Davis is truly a depressing and pathetic story. The tragic end of the 12-year-old girl who seemed to find no meaning in life is, to this day, considered one of the most horrific deaths of our time.

Suicide and social media issues have garnered so much attention around the world lately, with Katelyn’s suicide being considered one of the craziest yet most touching deaths on film.

As many have pointed out, the death of Katelyn Nicole Davis has really brought to light the attention needed for suicide prevention, online bullying, child abuse, poverty, bullying off line and child neglect.

There is so much to know and learn from the story of the pretty American teenage girl’s suicide. Keep reading to find these and other lesser known facts.

Brief biography of Katelyn Nicole Davis

Until her tragic death on December 30, 2016, Katelyn Nicole Davis was a 12-year-old girl born on February 20, 2004 in Rome, Georgia, United States of America. She is the daughter of Tammy Michelle Rogers and Matthew Reed Davis. She is an American of Caucasian nationality and ethnicity.

She grew up without her father by her side. According to the teenager, her father refused to pay child support but would spend hours playing video games. Her mother, as she previously shared in one of her videos, is married to Anthony Lee Rogers, with whom she gave birth to her younger half-siblings, Abigail Lee Rogers and AJ Lee Rogers.

Katelyn Nicole Davis attended Cedartown MiddleShe didn’t get a college education certificate because her mother didn’t have the money to see her through school. The only time she had any hope of making it to college was after she joined the National Leaders Association for Young Leaders, who promised to see her through college, but her stepfather allegedly told her. says she was “too stupid to be into something like that” and ended up burning the papers in his face.

The Suicide of Katelyn Nicole Davis

The incident happened on the evening of December 30, 2016. On that fateful day, the twelve-year-old girl filmed herself walking from her bedroom to the courtyard of her family’s home.

The entire video, which is 42 minutes long, captured the teenager preparing a noose, hanging it from a tree and then committing suicide by short chokehold. The suicide was streamed live on Live.me, a popular app for teens, and was posted under his username “ITZ Dolly.”

In the video, Davis, who was clearly worn down by anxiety and stress, could be heard crying and asking forgiveness for the act she was about to take. She later confessed to being physically and sexually abused by a family member named Anthony Lee Rogers Sr.

After she had to hang herself, her lifeless body was caught on camera for about 20 minutes. The live broadcast was abruptly interrupted by repeated calls to her phone and by the time neighbors found out what had happened it was too late to save her life. She was then rushed to Polk Medical Center, but pronounced dead after a short period of time.

Katelyn’s latest video wasn’t the first disturbing video to appear on her timeline. She had already live-streamed dozens of disturbing videos in the last month of her young life, and many captured her other suicide attempts.

Her last suicide attempt before her death was overdosed on medication, but she was revived in hospital. Just days before her death, she was filmed cutting off her thighs, knees and wrists – crying out loud that she was depressed and fed up with life.

Here’s what we know so far

1. Davis had a difficult childhood

As her blogs would have us believe, Katelyn was raised in a home that was nearly falling apart. His mother, Tammy Rogers, is unemployed. In fact, the teenager once revealed that her mum struggled with hard drugs and also sold prescription drugs just to put food on the table. The teenager also alleged that her mother physically abused her, forcing her to sleep on the wet floor and take care of her younger siblings.

Katelyn had no positive male role model in her life. The only man who could have been that was her stepfather, the very man she accused of beating her with a studded belt and sexually abusing her.

2. She devoted much of her time on Live.me to attracting the attention of older men

Davis’ regular activities on Live.me was a clear indication that she really wanted to escape the reality she lived in. Investigations after his death revealed that most of his fans were older men who took advantage of his vulnerability.

She reportedly had an online boyfriend called Luke Callahan, a 19-year-old Internet user living in Massachusetts. Luke turned out to be a “predator” who took advantage of her at every opportunity.

Days before his tragic death, the Georgia-born teenager said he was leaving Luke, revealing he had forced her to do things she was not prepared for. In her suicide video, the so-called online boyfriend was the last person she apologized to for not being “good and pretty enough” to date a guy.

Reportedly, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Luke may have sexually harassed her and could also be indirectly responsible for Katelyn’s sudden slide into a suicidal depression.

3. Katelyn Nicole Davis’ suicide sparked a flurry of emotions on the internet

Many netizens, including Facebook, mourned the death of the 12-year-old girl shortly after news of her death was announced. The Facebook community was also inundated with tributes from friends and strangers. A memorial Facebook page titled: “Justice for Katelyn Nicole Davis” was subsequently created in her honor.

On Twitter, a user with the handle @mollzzz_17 simply wrote “rest in peace Katelyn. Fly high with the baby of angels. It was really heartbreaking. 12/30/16 #RIPKatelyn” while another Twitter user – @4evAmyWinehouse – added: “The passing of Katelyn Davis is beyond me for words. My heart is broken. #RIPKatelyn #ItzDolly #DiaryOfABrokenDoll Fly high and find peace. »

4. Katelyn’s suicide video caused a lot of concern shortly after her death

A few weeks after her death, the video of Katelyn’s suicide was still circulating online, leading many people to call from several countries, asking that it be removed from Facebook. At first, Polk County Police Chief Kenny Dodd admitted he was unable to stop people from sharing the disturbing video, but after a long period of time the viral spread of the video was downsized and the 43-minute video was later deleted. from the Internet.

Although Davis’ tragic end touched millions of people, only a few people expressed concern that authorities couldn’t take a closer look at details implicating cyberbullies like Luke Callahan, Anthony Rogers and other masked bullies.

5The Police are still investigating the circumstances surrounding his death

As gathered, the police are still investigating the cause of his death. Initially they focused on the nature of her death, but the department has since moved its investigation to why she took her own life.

An autopsy has since been performed by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to determine the official cause of his death and it appears no charges have been filed by police.

6. According to multiple sources, as Katelyn was about to hang herself, a young Moroccan resident named AB Tarik bullied her during the live broadcast.

7. Davis renamed his live suicide stream on Live.me to ‘Suicide’ before starting his ‘mission’.

Although Katelyn Nicole Davis died young of depression, loneliness, anxiety and abuse, she would be remembered for her charismatic personality, wisdom and interesting philosophical conversations on her live streams.
