'Life After Lockup': Fans think Clint is delusional and dumb for thinking Tracie will choose him ove

Clint Brady and Tracie Wagaman's journey has been nothing short of tumultuous. In this week's episode of 'Life After Lockup,' the couple tries to work out their options and basically, figuring out how best they can stay out of prison and away from drugs.

Their storyline begins with Clint talking to his mother, Alice, about bonding Tracie out with $5,000. Alice is worried, she said their lives together is not going to be any different unless she wishes to change herself completely. Clint assures that he'll get her all the help she needs and the money that he intends to spend on bonding her out will not go to waste because she will show up for the court dates.  

Much later, after Tracie has been released, she is shown cuddling with Clint and their dog and cat. They indulge in a mature conversation, trying to figure out the next steps and how they would go about leading a drug-free life. Tracie asks Clint about the amount of money that was required to bring her out, and upon learning, she says that he would get all of it back because this time she will show up at the court.  

One could see that Clint is in love with Tracie and wants nothing more than for her to be out of trouble and lead a clean life. In his green-room interview, he tears up as he explains that the hardest situation for anyone to be in is to not know what's coming. 

Meanwhile, fans think Clint is 'delusional' and 'dumb' for trusting Tracie. They know for sure that the $5,000 has not been spent well.

"Clint need to be worried about his well being and not Tracie. Like his mother said what is it going to take? I am with Alice. A MOTHER can only do so much. #lifeafterlockup," a fan wrote. While another pointed out: "Soooo who’s gonna tell Clint he ain’t getting his 5,000 back cause Tracie already thinking about using it to get more MF’N crack #lifeafterlockup."

"Clint talking bout his biggest fear being Tracie choosing drugs over him? Dude!? She already has like 3 times!!! #lifeafterlockup," a viewer expressed. "#LifeAfterLockup And don't get me started on Clint, the most delusional human on this planet. And look, Tracie has been out 2 weeks. Is that a record for the goddess?" one user posted on social media.

"Clint, Traci will always care about the crack way more than she ever will you. She only cares about how you can bail her out when she ends up getting caught. She knows she can count on you to come whenever she finds herself in trouble. #lifeafterlockup #loveafterlockup," a fan tweeted. "Clint Tracey about to have you broker than broke and she’s going to keep choosing drugs until she’s really ready to quit lawd you just dumb #lifeafterlockup," a user shared.

Catch all-new episodes of 'Life After Lockup' every Friday, 9/8 c.
