Meet Lawrence Odell, Ella Pauline Drake Holley

Charles Hardin Holley, better known as Buddy Holly was born in Lubbock, Texas, on September 7, 1936.

His parents are Ella Pauline Drake Holley and Lawrence Odell.

He is the youngest of four children.

Buddy Holly parents: Meet Lawrence Odell, Ella Pauline Drake Holley

The Holley family were devout Baptists, and Buddy was immersed in the sounds of gospel music throughout his childhood.

The family was also well-versed in music, and Buddy’s parents strongly supported his musical talents. He learned to play the violin, piano, fiddle and guitar as a child, and he wrote his own songs.

Before Buddy Holly became the bespectacled rock legend of the 1950s, he was Charles Hardin Holley a skinny kid from Texas who could play a lot of instruments.

(His friends and family called him Buddy as a child, and the e in Holley was later dropped in a typing error on one of his first professional contracts.)

When he was in high school, he wrote in a personal essay, “My life has been what you might call an uneventful one, and it seems there is not much of interest to tell … I have thought about making a career out of western music if I am good enough, but I will just have to wait and see how that turns out.”

The rock and roll pioneer may have had an “uneventful” upbringing, but his career in music would be anything but that. Here’s a timeline of his life.
